Friday, April 28, 2017

A Tale of Political Intrigue

Political thrillers have always ranked high on my list of favorite books to read so when I saw the new book, Camelot Games, by Oliver Chase, I was immediately intrigued. I wanted to know more.

Oliver Chase is the guest today in My Writing Corner.  Given his past, the background for his books is not surprising. He says he grew up on military bases and eventually joined the military himself. But he also discovered he was a writer and never was without a typewriter or computer. He spent time teaching on a reservation, flying commercially and was with the police force. But luckily for readers, he also began getting his political thrillers published.

His latest book from The Wild Rose Press, Camelot Games, sounds like a real winner. Here's the blurb:

 When a secret political machine maneuvers California war hero, Scott McHale and his beautiful activist wife, Angie into running for political office, an entirely new and frightening evil is unleashed upon the American public. As the wildly popular Latino couple's success and independence grow, hidden kingmakers quietly put into play a plan designed to plunge the nation into chaos.

Nothing and no one is out of bounds. Treachery and treason, murder and manufactured mayhem propel an unsuspecting Scott and Angie closer and closer to the Oval Office. But when Scott goes off script, he suddenly vanishes in a smokescreen of sexual innuendo and scandal.

A bereft and bitter Angie is left behind to continue their golden legacy alone. Will she discover the truth in time to prevent civil war?

I don't know about you, but that certainly caught my interest and this is one of those books I'm going to be reading within the next month.  Here are the buy links:

The Wild Rose Press   (ebook)

If you would like to learn more about Oliver, here is the link to his webpage:

Thank you, Oliver, for introducing us to your books. Any comments or questions for Oliver?

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

A Fateful Romance from the Past

History and romance go together so nicely that it is always fun to find a new historical romance and discover a new author. I especially love those books that not only grabs my interest with the romance but contain fascinating information about a time period I don't know much about. That's why I especially enjoyed learning about this week's guest in My Writing Corner, Janet Gibbs.

Janet Gibbs was born in England but now resides in Northern New Jersey. She has research and written extensively on women's history, including three biographies for the book, Past and Promise, Notable New Jersey Women. She has written non-fiction, which has appeared in several newspapers including the New York times. 

Her newest book is the historical romance, Pawn of Fate. Janet, we'd love to hear your story. Please tell us about yourself and how you came to write this book.

I’ve always wanted to be a writer since I was eleven years old.  I began as a poet and had success with publishing and reading my work.  Since then I’ve branched out to nonfiction and then decided to write the stories that I’d heard from ‘characters’ talking to me! 
My ‘big break’ in publishing came from a high school friend who remembered a woman in her neighborhood who published with Wild Rose!   I looked them up and they were most kind and generous in reading and publishing two of my novels.  I’m working on the sequel to So Much More this summer! 

This latest book, Pawn of Fate, began when my father-in-law would take me to his childhood home in Union City, NJ.  He spoke of his grandfather who was a silk twister in an embroidery mill.  I became fascinated with that and began my research and interviews and it developed into a novel about politics, passion and wealth in the early 1900’s.  This novel is dedicated to my father in law. 
Most of my book ideas come from my family and the history that surrounds their lives.  I love women’s history and immigration stories.  I have quite a few stories left to tell about strong independent women who forged a life in America with determination and a passion for success.

The setting for the book comes first and then the characters ‘introduce’ themselves to me.  I use an excel spreadsheet to keep the major dates under control!  I plot out each chapter with a heading so I know basically how the story will progress.  I’m a stickler for authenticity and will devote many hours or days to researching the smallest of detail for my characters.   Sometimes this research may hold up my writing but then I get right back to it and it takes off.   Often I am not sure how the novel will end but believe it or not, the characters take over and lead me to a very satisfying finale!
Emma Baden is swept into the dangerous world of radical union organizers in the silk mill town of Union Hillin 1911.  She is drawn to the charismatic socialist leader, Frederick Mossler,  who charms her into becoming a speaker for his cause.    An evening rally suddenly turns violent but Emma is rescued from the panicked mob by Max Keppel, the handsome heir to the town’s largest mill.   Their attraction is immediate, yet he is married and considered the enemy.   Their relationship survives her destructive marriage and the fall of the unions as well as the disintegration of his marriage to spoiled heiress, Lavinia.  Eventually Emma achieves her goal of owning her own embroidery business and lingerie line.  Though she finds success, Emma knows she was always just a pawn of fate. 

Here is how to get in touch with Janet:

Pawn of Fate is available on, B& and Itunes.-Mainstream Historical, rated PG13. 

Thanks, Janet for being my guest.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Time to Spring into Romance

When I was in college I always used to say that Spring was the perfect time for romance, and that always stayed with me over the years. Maybe that is why reading romance has always been one of my favorite pass times in Spring.

Today we feature a new romance and my guest is Claire Marti, who says she has been writing since she could hold a pencil and paper. Like so many other authors she was side tracked for a while by other careers, but now she has turned to her attention to writing romance, and her debut novel is Second Chance in Laguna.  I have to admit that the firs time I read these characters in action, I wanted to know more about them, so I just had to ask to do an interview with them.

When Sophie Barnes’s fiancé jilts her at the altar, her carefully planned life implodes. Considering her ex’s betrayal to be a rude wake-up call, she leaves everything she knows in San Diego and flees to Laguna Beach. She vows to transform her life by avoiding men for a year and by fulfilling her dream of writing a wildly successful novel. 
Sophie’s new landlord, Nicholas Morgan, is a gorgeous, successful architect with a player reputation. He makes it tough for Sophie to remember that she’s sworn to be single. Nick’s avoided the intimacy of a long-term relationship--until Sophie’s independence, courage, and beauty touch his guarded heart. Both Sophie and Nick are terrified of being hurt again, but can they resist the pull of true love?

Sophie, tell us a little about your past?
Sure, I’m from San Diego. My mother is French and she raised me because my dad took off when I was 5 years old. I’m outgoing, love learning and writing, and worked as a magazine editor until recently. I’ve dreamt of becoming a writer since I was young.
Why are you trying to build a new life?
I wasn’t particularly happy in my job, but I was comfortable. My ex-fiancé jilted me at the altar and I subsequently learned he’d been carrying on a long-term affair. Suddenly, I began questioning my instincts and life choices.
What kind of man would be your dream man?
Is Charlie Hunnam free? Kidding. First, I need a man I can trust. He needs to exhibit integrity, be intelligent and funny. Someone who loves to travel, enjoys the little things in life, and can commit to one person. Broad shoulders and a six-pack wouldn’t hurt.

What kind of man makes you crazy?
Liars. Men who only care about appearances and climbing the next rung in the corporate ladder turn me off. Men who have no moral compass—did I mention cheaters?
What DON”T you like about that sexy landlord Nicholas?
Unfortunately, I like almost everything about him, but don’t tell him! It’s a little annoying that he won’t take no for an answer. I really believed that taking a year to heal my heart and focus on my own personal growth and dreams would be key. He’s so tempting—in fact, he checks off all the boxes listed under my dream man.

Okay, time to grill Nicholas.
What brings you to Laguna Beach?
I was born and raised in Laguna Beach. It’s home. Except for attending Cornell in New York, I’ve always lived here.

What kind of woman are you looking for?
To be honest, I’m not really looking for a woman. My life is exactly how I like it. I’ve got my architecture firm, I’m pursuing the Pritzker Prize for architecture, I’ve got great friends and I’m close to my little sister Alyssa. I don’t have time for a serious relationship. For casual dating, I do enjoy a woman who is independent, smart, and compassionate. It’s important she’s real—there can be a lot of superficial people in Southern California. This new tenant of mine, Sophie, intrigues me. There’s something about her I just can’t pinpoint.

What kind of woman makes you crazy?
I don’t like women who get clingy after a first date. I don’t understand why a woman just can’t enjoy spending quality time together without immediately wanting to plan out the next fifty years. I also dislike women who only care about external appearances.

What do you think of your new tenant Sophie?
As I mentioned above, there’s something about her. I know that’s vague, but she’s not just another beautiful woman. I’m curious as to why she suddenly moved to Laguna—I hope she isn’t in trouble back in San Diego. Her big blue eyes slay me. But, don’t tell her that.

Thank you, Sophie and Nicholas. We're looking forward to reading your story. Here are the buy links:
  • Amazon:
  • The Wild Rose Press, Inc.:
  • Barnes and Noble:
  • Kobo:
  • iBooks:

  • And here is how you can reach Claire;
    Twitter @clairepmarti,  
    Facebook at ClaireMartiAuthor,
     Goodreads Claire Marti

    Thank you, Claire, for being my guest.  Any comments or questions for Claire?

    Wednesday, April 5, 2017

    A Romantic Trip into the Past

    Since I write romantic suspense I am always searching for something new to read in that field, and today's guest in My Writing Corner has a new entry that appeals to me in so many ways. My guest is M. S. Spencer, who has lived or traveled in five of the seven continents.

    She says she spent the last thirty years in Washington, working as a librarian, Congressional staff assistant, speechwriter, editor, birdwatcher, kayaker, policy wonk, non-profit director and parent. She has worked for the U. S. Senate and the U. S. Department of the Interior as well as in several library systems and the Torpedo Factory Art Center.
    She is the author of ten published romantic suspense novels and is currently working on two more.  She tells us that she spends her time between the Gulf Coast of Florida and a tiny village in Maine. Her newest book sounds like a real winner. Take it away, M.S.

    Thanks so much for having me at your lovely site today, Rebecca. I want to talk about my new romantic suspense, Lapses of Memory.

    A rush of emotion dropped a veil over all but the tiny world of the two people in seats 11A and 11B, in a jet plane floating somewhere over the Atlantic, in a still moment in time.

    Sydney Bellek first meets Elian Davies in the 1950s on a Boeing 377 Stratocruiser when she is five and he is seven. They run into each other every few years after that, but while he knows from the start that she is his true love, she does not. Later, as rival journalists, they vie for scoops on international crises from the Iranian revolution to the Lebanese civil war. The handsome and intrepid Elian beats her out at every turn, even while keeping his love for her secret. Only after years of separation does she finally realize they are meant to be together, but this time in a twist of fate, it is Elian whose memory of her is gone. Will he remember her before she loses heart or will their new love be enough to replace the old one?

     Lapses of Memory follow the exploits of two journalists, Sydney Bellek and Elian Davies, as they travel the globe reporting on various world catastrophes. As journalists, they fly a lot. Since in the story they only meet every few years, the dates of their meeting on a plane coincided strangely and wonderfully with new aircraft designs coming on line. As children, they take the Boeing Stratocruiser—with sleeping berths and elegant dining. As adults they will fly all the Boeings from the 707 to the 787, not to mention an Airbus and a helicopter. In the excerpt below, Sydney and Elian meet again on a plane.

    Sydney pulled out her crossword puzzle, mints, pen, glasses, embroidery, and tissues and set them on the other seat before stealthily slipping the miniature bottle of Jack Daniels into the magazine pocket. She checked her ticket once again. They’d be in Rome tomorrow morning and from there the flight to Beirut should be less than five hours. As she searched for her seat belt, a husky voice behind her ear said, “Excuse me. I believe I have the window seat?”

    The scent of licorice filled her nostrils. She looked up into a pair of deep indigo eyes, half-obscured by a tangle of hair the color of cordovan. He used his angular chin, cloaked in reddish brown stubble, to indicate his seat. She looked him up and down without moving and pronounced, “Elian Davies.”
                He drew back, an expression of mock surprise on his face. “Sydney Bellek? Could it be you after all these years? My, how you’ve aged…I mean matured.”
                Whatever joy she’d felt at seeing him faded. “You.”
                He scooted around her knees, grabbed her stuff, dropped it in her lap, and sat down. “Me.”
                 She opened her crossword puzzle and pretended to work on it. He pointed a tanned finger at a spot on the page. “Eleven down is Oslo.”
                 The stewardess came by. “Please buckle your seat belt, sir. We’ll be taking off in five minutes.”
                 “Oh, Miss…” He peered at her name plate. “Petula? What a lovely old-fashioned name!” He beamed at her. “Would you mind bringing me a glass of ice before we begin to taxi?”
                  The stewardess opened her mouth, then opened her eyes wide. “Why, you’re Elian Davies, the famous photojournalist, aren’t you?”
                   “At your service, Petula.” He bent in a graceful half bow.
                   “Right away, sir. I’ll be back in a jiffy.” She tore down the aisle, knocking into passengers’ elbows and knees along the way. Holding a glass high, she ran back like a bartender in a Bastille Day race, and proudly plunked it and a packet of peanuts on Elian’s knee.
                   When she’d gone, he took a furtive look around and pulled a miniature bottle from his pocket. Sydney’s annoyance dissolved in giggles. “You too?” She pulled her own small whiskey out.
                   “Oh good, we’ll share this first one, shall we?”
                   She couldn’t say no, and besides, sipping kept her busy. Elian. She’d spent the last four years trying to hate him. It should have been easy. His reputation as an ace reporter and first-class scoop jockey had only grown since Tehran. Too many of her colleagues told stories of him racing across the tarmac just ahead of them to catch the final words of an escaping dictator, or jumping into a helicopter for a one-on-one interview with said dictator upon his triumphant return. Along with his derring-do came the even more infamous reputation as an inveterate ladies’ man, which the recent episode with Petula only confirmed.
                   She studied his left hand as it popped a peanut in his mouth—steady, strong, tanned. It looked familiar. Oh yes, I watched it unbutton my blouse in a supply room in Tehran. She turned away to hide the blush. When her cheeks had sufficiently cooled, she turned back only to have him glance away quickly.
                   Staring out the window, he inquired in a casual voice, “So how’s your boyfriend holding up while you’re off on these wasted efforts to follow in my footsteps?”
                    Her momentary affection melted away. Old Blue-Pencil Davies at it again. Prick. “They’re all moping of course, poor babies. And yours?”
                   “Me? I don’t hold with leading women on.”
                   “That’s not what your adoring public thinks.”
                   He swung around on her, the customary smirk on his lips gone. “They’re wrong, Sydney.”
                    The remark—and his deadly serious face—threw her. To cover her confusion, she sipped her drink. After a minute, he turned back to the window. As she watched his shoulders gradually relax, she reviewed the stories about him. From what she’d heard, women who crossed paths with him considered a one-night stand the standard reward. Could he be telling the truth? Just then Petula passed, slowing as she neared their row and heaving a soulful sigh. Sydney remembered the lovelorn look on her secretary’s face. He may not lead women on, but he sure draws them in.

    And this book sounds like it is drawing me into M. S. Spencer's world of the past. Thanks, M.S. for being my guest.  Here are the buy links:
    Buy Links:
    I Tunes:
    Barnes and Noble:

    Any questions or comments for M. S.?


    A Happy Ending – Hopefully!

    After years of writing this blog and featuring authors who have new books being published, I have decided the time has come to end my weekly...