Wednesday, January 27, 2016

A Sweet Treat

We have another sweet treat in store today as we feature another Candy Hearts release from The Wild Rose Press.  In the author's spotlight today is Evin Bevan and her new book, Text Me. 

Did you always want to be a writer?
Heck no! I wanted to be a newscaster. At least I thought I did from about 8th grade until about my sophomore year of college. I could just picture myself on television with fancy hair and makeup, a great wardrobe, and all I had to do was read some lines from a script. At least, that’s what I thought at first.

By the time I realized I had no idea what a real newscaster did (and sadly my college didn’t prepare me very well for the job) I figured it was too late to change my educational path. I was on scholarship. In and out in four years was my goal.
Then, I got married, and essentially all of my ideas flew out the window and overseas with my husband’s career. Out of boredom, I entertained the idea I could write a novel to keep myself from going insane in my new secluded surroundings. I’ve always loved talking, so when I found myself alone in a foreign country, the voices in my head started talking. I just wrote them down, and became totally addicted.

How did you get started in publishing?
Well, I’ve never been one for wasting my writing. I spend years perfecting my stories. Why not publish? I sought out anyone that I thought might consider reading my work and low and behold I caught the eye of an editor at The Wild Rose Press. Thanks to her faith in me, I have continued with my love for writing.

What is your writing process – outlining or just writing?
Well, I’m a mixed bag. I see things in my head. I see scenes, or I hear scenes, or both, but never a full story. I may know that my hero has a certain job, he likes to fish, and he likes woman with blonde hair. I know that my heroine loves antiques, hates fishing, and outdoors. Something will come to mind that I have to jot down, then the next thing I know a story is born. I made tons of notes all around my manuscript, on stick notes, in notepads, etc. The whole process is actually very unorganized, but it gets done.

Do you have any advice for a beginning writer?
Yes, I do. You must read. Yes, I pulled out the bold. YOU MUST READ. Oh, and YOU MUST WRITE. Like all the time!

Read everything. Write everything. It doesn’t matter if it sucks or not. Write like it’s the best freaking thing in the world. Who knows? It could be one day. Read the authors you love and figure out what it is about them you love. Read books on writing, books on your craft, and take workshops or join writers groups. Writing is a solo act, but the friendships you make with other like-minded individuals are important in this business. Whenever I feel like giving up, they always snap me out of my funk.
Tell us about your latest book, Text Me,  and where you got the idea for it.

My newest/latest/greatest release comes out TODAY!! Yah!! It’s called Text Me, and it’s a Candy Hearts Romance being published with The Wild Rose Press. Last February, TWRP did a call for sweet/short romance stories that relate to the candy hearts we all eat at Valentine’s Day. The phrase Text Me stuck out like a an M&M in a bag of trail mix, and before I knew it I had a story outlined.

What do you like best about your heroine and hero?
Honestly, I like how quick my heroine is to tell lies. I know that sounds strange, but her lies land her in some situations that she has to dig herself out of. Fun stuff!

How about a blurb?

When Erika’s ex becomes her boss less than a year after dumping her by text, she gets desperate to find a date to the corporate Valentine’s dance so he doesn’t suspect she still has feelings for him. Though not a fan of texting for the obvious reason, she doesn’t have much choice but to tap the keypad in order to gain the attention of the only viable candidate from the classified ads.
Grayson made the mistake of listening to his brother a year ago and has regretted what he did to Erika ever since. But his brother’s next suggestion just might be his salvation when he takes out an ad for a Valentine’s date…and Erika answers.
Using a pseudo name and keeping contact to text messages only, Grayson’s plans to make Erika fall back in love with him appears to be working…until the date of the dance draws near, and she pushes a meeting—face to face.
That sounds like another Candy Hearts winner! What are you working on now?
Now? Well, let’s see. I think what are you NOT working on is the better question. When it rains it pours, and I am drowning in edits. Edits, edits and more edits for 3 books. Seriously! And, I’m toying with the idea of getting a series together for 2017. Those will definitely need a full outline, and as I said before, I’m just not that great with those. J

How can readers get in touch or buy your book?

Twitter @ErinBevan

Thank you, Erin, for being my guest.  Any comments or questions for Erin?

Friday, January 22, 2016

Real Love is Out of this World

We're continuing to preview and introduce readers to the romantic new Candy Hearts Series from The Wild Rose Press. Today we feature Charlotte Copper from Ontario -- as she says, "that's in Canada, eh?"

When Charlotte isn't working on her full time job, she loves to craft, read, go to movies, and of course, she also spends lots of time writing.  She is a big romance lover because she says she believes in happy endings.  That's one of the reasons she wants to see all her books published.  Her new book, is titled, Real Love, and it was released this month.  It's a romance that can lift your heart into outer space. 

As a young girl, Monda was placed into the tutelage of Mistress Teevac. Trained to use her empathic  skills and educated in the ways to please a man, Monda is on her way to her new mate and master when her spaceship crashes. Rescued by a handsome space lieutenant, who literally makes her heart race, Monda’s eyes and heart are opened to new possibilities.

When Lieutenant Patrick Lancaster looks at the exotic Monda, he sees beautiful not alien. With an instinct to protect her and the desire to have her, he’d be honored to call her his own, but the starts have something else in mind. Or do they?

Want more?  Let's get an excerpt:

      Her face was more angular than most. Her lips, thick. A constant pout, like she waited to be kissed. When he looked at her big blue eyes and long blue eyelashes, he thought exotic, not alien.
      “Monda.” He reached to wipe the tear. No, it was not his place. He shoved his hand into his pocket. “I didn’t mean you. I don’t think of you as alien. I meant other aliens, like the green guys from Salvador. Have you seen them? About a meter high with pointed teeth. You can’t tell the males from the females except when they have their armor off.” He wanted to pull her into a hug. To comfort her and show her how sorry he felt. But she was promised to another, and while he might be an idiot, his mother also raised him as a gentleman. “Really, Monda, I’m sorry.”
       “I know,” she whispered.
       “What I mean is you’re an alien but not an alien.You don’t look like an alien. Of course any guy would be honored to have a girlfriend like you.”
       “Any guy, but you.”

As a fan of science fiction and romance, that caught my attention. Real Love is available now.

If you'd like to get in touch with Charlotte, here's her contact information:

Contact Information:

Facebook Page:
Twitter::  @charlottecopper

Thank you, Charlotte, for introducing us to Real Love.  Comments or questions for Charlotte?

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Romantic Read from Cape Cod

The new year is a great time to start reading in a new line and this month we are featuring new releases from the new Candy Hearts series.  Today we are talking to romance author, Katie O'Sullivan, who lives on Cape Cod. She says living next to the Atlantic influences everything she writes, from her YA series about mermaids to her contemporary romances from The Wild Rose Press. Her newest work, Say Yes, was just released yesterday.

Tell us about your Candy Hearts book and where you got the idea for it.
My first two novels from The Wild Rose Press are set on Cape Cod in the summer – Crazy About You and My Kind of Crazy. But I also love Cape Cod in the winter time, and the thought of setting a Valentine story in the middle of winter sounded like a challenge – not your average Cape romance!

What do you like best about your heroine?
Darby Malone is strong, smart, capable when it comes to business, but also vulnerable when it comes to relationships. And I love her confidence in wearing bright colors!

What makes your hero special?
Ben Phillips is a successful artist, but he’s still willing to take chances and go outside his comfort zone. He’s not in it for the money; it’s really all about the art. And winning the girl.

What is your writing process – outlining or just writing?
Usually I let the characters lead the way and direct the storyline, but in this case the entire story came to me fully formed. I’d never written a novella before SAY YES and wasn’t even sure I could write a complete story in so few words, but in my head I watched it all like a Hallmark movie and made an outline. It flowed so easily, I’m thinking I should try it for a full-length story.

Any advice for a beginning writer?
Write. Sit down, butt in chair, and write something every day. And read widely, both in and out of your chosen genre.

What is your next project?
I’m currently working on another Cape Cod romance, this one a full-length novel set in upscale Chatham, in the kitchens of a 5-star summer resort. Oh, and a sequel to my psychic romantic suspense, Ghosts Don’t Lie, which came out in November from The Wild Rose Press.

How about a blurb on Say Yes?

Darby Malone has trouble saying no. Hosting a children’s Valentine party at her recently renovated gallery is the last straw, and the last time she intends to say yes to anything. That is, until she meets Ben, a well-known Cape Cod artist with eyes as deep and blue as the ocean. He stirs feelings in her that have been dormant for too long. Can she afford to say yes to him?

Ben Phillips needs this gallery show. His life has been empty since his wife died four years ago, his paintings the only thing giving him solace. But his style has changed, his art completely different than the breezy shore paintings he staked his reputation on. Can he convince Darby to give him a chance – and to consider him for more than just a place on her gallery walls? Will she give him a place in her heart as well?

That sounds like another wonderful Candy Hearts book. How can readers get in touch with you?

Amazon Author Page:

Buy Links:

Thank you, Katie, for being my guest and introducing us to Say Yes.  Any comments or questions for Katie?

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Enjoy A New Romantic Series

It's the beginning of the year and what better time to start enjoying a new series of romance stories.  The Wild Rose Press is launching its Candy Hearts series this month and we will be featuring authors from those books in coming weeks. 

What a delightful array of love stories are coming our way! From sweet romances, to fantasy to historical, these books will touch the heart and can take you off on a wonderful romantic journey.

Today we focus on one of the first to be released, Chill Out, a contemporary romance from author Jana Richards. She says that when she read her first romance novel, she immediately knew two things: She had to commit the stories running through her head to paper, and they had to end with a happily ever after. She says she also knew that she had found what she was meat to do. She writes all different subgenres of romance -- from romantic suspense to historical, to contemporary, and she writes them in a variety of lengths.  Her paranormal romance, "seeing things" was a 2008 EPPIE finalist. 

Jana hails from Canada, where she works as an accountant, though she finds time to enjoy a life of golf, yoga, and going to movies and concerts.

Let's get a look at her new release that just came out this week and is currently part of a special bargain from The Wild Rose Press. Here's a tantalizing peek at Chill Out:

Renata Cabral needs to hide for the weekend. Her cousin's Valentine's Day wedding means she'll face embarrassing questions from her large, extended family. Questions like, "Why aren't you married yet?" Since the break up of her last relationship, she's not ready to answer that question. She invents a work-related excuse and escapes to a friend's lakeside cottage.

Noah Brownlee has been hiding for two years. But now he's ready to come home and mend his broken relationship with his brother. When a friend offers the use of his lakeside cottage, Noah arrives in the middle of a blizzard with his English Mastiff, only to find the place is already occupied. With her large brown eyes and quirky sense of humor, Renata stirs feelings he thought long dead.

As the blizzard rages, the candy hearts predict love. Can Valentine's Day work its magic between them?
This sounds like romance is definitely in the air, or it could be coming soon! Want to know more? I do. Here's an excerpt:

The bedroom door swung open and Renata stood in the opening wearing a short robe that revealed her lovely legs. A light floral fragrance drifted to his nose—he envisioned a field of flowers. Spike brushed past her and entered the room.

“Oh! I didn’t realize you were with Spike.”
“I’m sorry. When he gets a notion, he’s pretty hard to stop. I’ll get him out.”

“No, that’s okay. I don’t mind having him in my room. Besides, I doubt you could make him leave if he doesn’t want to.”

She was probably right. “You’re sure? He snores something awful. And did I mention the drool?”
She smiled. “Yes, I discovered the delights of sleeping with Spike last night. But I have to admit, I kind of like having the big lug around.”

“You’re sure you don’t mind?”
“I’m sure.” She took a step backward into her room, holding the door between them. “I should get some sleep.”


She hesitated, as if waiting for him to speak. For a moment he thought she was going to invite him into her room. But then she swallowed and lowered her gaze.
“Goodnight, Noah. Sleep well.”

Buy links for CHILL OUT:

 If you would like to know more about Jana or contact her,  here is that info. 
Amazon Author Page:
Newsletter Signup:
Google+ Profile:

Thank you, Jana, for kicking off our Candy Hearts series of spotlights and introducing us to your new contemporary romance.  Any questions or comments for Jana?

Characters Lead the Way

We're in the heart of the summer and it is time to relax and enjoy a few good books by the beach or in some secluded mountain cabin. To...