Wednesday, July 26, 2017

A Journey to Romantic Supernatural Summer Reading

Time travel romances have always been among my favorite genres to read and I've even a attempted several in my writing. That was what immediately captured my interest in the writing of Beth Trissel. She is the guest today in My Writing Corner. Beth says she lives on a farm in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia surrounded by her human family and furbabies.

She describes herself an an avid gardener and uses her love of herbs and heirloom plants in her writing. She says she is also inspired in her writing by the rich history of Virginia, the Native Americans, and the people who journeyed from far beyond Virginia's borders. She's especially drawn to colonial America and the drama of the American Revolution and she loves ghost stories. In addition to Young Adult and New Adult fantasy romance, she also writes historical, time travel, and paranormal romance, plus nonfiction. Beth, please tell us about your latest work.

Thanks for having me on your blog, Rebecca Grace, to share my new release, Somewhere My Lady (Book 1, Ladies in Time). I’m delighted to be writing time travels again. Not that anyone stopped me before, I just took a wee break. Like years. Now I’m back. History fascinates me, and I enjoy researching different eras, but I also love mixing in fantasy and the paranormal. The time periods in Somewhere My Lady change unpredictably, like the staircases at Hogwarts in Harry Potter. Fun to do. There’s also a poignant depth and mystery to this romance.

Two things that most inspired me were Edith's Theme, the hauntingly beautiful song from the Crimson Peak soundtrack, and my love of old homes. I've lived in them most of my life, and visited plenty. I also love gardening and have sprawling beds filled with heirloom flowers and herbs. Some plants have been here for ages and our farm-house was built in the 1870's. Old homes exude an indefinable sense of place, and are never really empty. Perhaps the spirits of those who once dwelt there come back and visit, or leave a part of themselves behind. I don't know, but I like a good ghost story.

Harrison Hall, the colonial era home in Somewhere My Lady, is loosely based on Shirley Plantation, a magnificent 18th century home, built along the James River in Virginia. In the story, this wonderful manor sized house is a paranormal hot spot, concealing a deadly mystery Hart and Lorna must solve.

Lorna Randolph is hired for the summer at Harrison Hall in Virginia, where Revolutionary-War re-enactors provide guided tours of the elegant old home. She doesn't expect to receive a note and a kiss from the handsome young man who then vanishes into mist.

Harrison Hall itself has plans for Lorna – and for Hart Harrison, her momentary suitor and its 18th century heir. Past and present are bound by pledges of love, and modern science melds with old skills and history as Harrison Hall takes Lorna and Hart through time in a race to solve a mystery and save Hart's life before the Midsummer Ball.~

"Somewhere My Lady is a fun supernatural romance that will have you slipping in and out of the past and future as if you were a spirit yourself." -- Colleen’s Book Reviews

Somewhere My Lady is available from all major online booksellers. In Kindle at:

Author Links:
My Amazon Author Page where all my books reside:

Thank you, Beth, for introducing uss to Harrison Hall, Lorna and Hart.  This sounds like a great summer read. Any questions or comments for Beth?

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Stepping Back in Time with a Special Hero

Who doesn't love reading about knights and legends and escaping back into the medieval world of the Fae on a hot summer day? That's the kind of reading that always catches my interest. Today we're visiting with award-winning author, Mary Morgan, as she takes us into her special places of old Scotland and Ireland. Mary lives in northern California and says she fell in love with books at an early age. She also says she left her soul in the countries she writes about--Scotland, Ireland and England.

Her latest book from the Wild Rose Press is Quest of a Warrior, and it's sure to please anyone who enjoys the world of dragons and knights with magic powers and a wonderful, powerful hero. She also has a special Rafflecopter drawing going on so watch for it below.

Fenian Warrior, Conn MacRoich, has traveled the earth for thousands of years, guarding the realm between mortal and Fae. His deeds are legendary. Yet, one mistake will force him on a journey to fix a broken time-line. However, on Conn's quest he must face a human female who will eventually bring this ancient warrior to his knees.

When Ivy O'Callaghan inherits her uncle's estate, she never imagines there will be more secrets to unravel, including the one she hides from the world. With the help of a mysterious stranger, she learns to trust and step out of the shadows. However, nothing prepares Ivy when she learns Conn's true identity.

As the fate of the fae weaves a thread around the lovers from two different worlds, will the sacrifices they make lead them to love? Or will their secrets destroy and separate them forever?

I wanted to not only know more about this special world and Conn so I asked to interview him. Conn, tell us a little about your long past and exploits?

Conn arches a brow at the term, exploits. “Only a human would consider my life as lengthy, which is understandable. The deeds in my lifetime are as vast as the stars. The events are memorable and others, insignificant. They were all done, so that your world would continue to move forward in enlightenment.”

What is the one deed you are most proud of accomplishing?

"Saving Ivy from death’s door and making her my wife."

Does anything in particular frighten you?

"As Prince of the Fae and a trained Fenian Warrior, I have none. As a husband and father-to-be, there are two. I’ll leave you to come to a conclusion.”

You’ve been around a long time and done so much. What concerns you now about Ivy and her problem?

Crosses arms over his chest. “I was not aware Ivy has a problem. If there is one, we shall endeavor to solve the issue together. Yet, my concerns for Ivy are in assisting her with her new duties among our people, and the birth of our daughter. I wish I could discuss more, but I fear there are readers out there who have yet to read our tale.”

What draws you to her the most?

“Ivy was the only mortal to see through me and into my soul—beyond the hardened warrior. I was drawn to her the moment I heard her whisper the words, ‘He’s an ancient Celt,’ though I did not fully fathom the meaning of my emotions.
What would you wish for her future?

Conn leans back and smiles. “To always see her joyful. Her smile and love radiates throughout our kingdom—one that steals the breath from me each day. I would not wish any sad days for my wife. She has already endured too much.”

What about your own future? What do you want most?

"To continue to build a stronger bond with the mortal realm, and the Fenian Warriors. A new Order is coming. In addition, I want to maintain peace in both realms. My family is now connected to the mortal world, and this holds a greater meaning to not only my future, but also theirs."

Thank you, Conn, and good luck on your journey! And thank you,  Mary Morgan, for introducing us to Conn and taking us into his world.
Here are the buy links for Quest of a Warrior.
Apple iBooks:
The Wild Rose:

And here are the links for reaching Mary.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, July 17, 2017

New! Our Novel Concept Goes Live

As a reader I am always looking for a new book or story to reader and as a writer I'm always looking for a new idea to work on. My newest journey starts today with Novel Concepts and you can come join in the fun by visiting us at

Reuniting with friends for a beach vacation, Lana quickly finds herself with a choice to make. What will she do?  Readers decide so vote now!

Read on to find out more about our project:

Haven't you ever wished as a reader that you wish you could decide what will happen next in the book and then tell the author what to do? Doesn't that sound like a great idea? My sister says she doesn't like the idea. Not only does she want to be surprised, but she says she paid to have the book entertain her, not to have to work on the story herself.  But some readers don't feel that way. Some would like to have a say in what will happen.

What about the author? Wouldn't you love to have another author to work with who will help you when you hit a dry spot or can't decide where to go next with a story? I write by the seat of my pants so I often don't decide what my characters will do until they start doing it themselves. I know I would love to have someone else working on the story as well and adding their thoughts. 

Well, putting both these ideas together, I have joined forces with a group of 8 other writers and we are going to write a story based on what the readers wants. The idea is called Novel Concepts and we started on Monday, July17th.

While one of our talented authors began writing the story, readers, YOU will get to make the choices of what our characters will do and which direction the story will take. At the end of each section you will be given a choice of which direction you want the story to go. We will tally up the score and then the next writer will pick up the tale and move on.

Every Monday, you, the reader, will get a new installment, and again get to make the choice on the storyline.

The writers are nine published authors who write everything from Western, to Fantasy to Mystery and Suspense and of course, we all include plenty of romance in our stories and this will be no different. With a wealth of experience in writing stories we will work hard to make each week a wonderful reading experience.

And then YOU, the reader, get to point us in the direction to go next.

If you'd like to take part and have some fun reading a new storyline every week, we hope you will drop in and read the story and vote on what you want to see happen.

As mentioned it is up and running at  I hope you'll stop by and help us write our story. I don't expect my sister to help decide our story direction, but I know she'll stop by for the entertainment.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Summer Fun & Romance In San Diego

We are reaching the heart of the summer reading season with hot days spent indoors with a good book, or sitting out on the cool deck of a mountain cabin enjoying a good hot romance. What's a good summer romance without a trip into the past -- a past romance, I mean.  And bring in special spirits that bring together two lovers, well, again,  that sounds like a perfect way to spend a hot afternoon or cool evening. 

Today's guest in My Writing Corner, Donna Simonetta, brings us a new romance with all the best elements of a fun summer romance read. Donna is a Maryland author who spent most of her life in the business world, got her MLS and worked in a school library. She enjoys travelling but she also enjoys curling up with a good book. 

She is also a writer at heart, which is what she is doing now. She says she enjoys writing contemporary romance and fantasy. Today's featured book,  Angels Fly, is a product of that mix and it sounds like a fun way to spend a summer afternoon.

Two years after her husband’s death, Kelly believes her romantic life is done. Until she reconnects with her girlhood crush on social media, and as fate would have it, he lives across the street.
James is over the whole true-love thing. His grasping ex-wife tore that belief out of him, when she left him for a rich, old man. Then he finds out his first love moved to San Diego too, and their attraction burns as hot as ever.
What they don’t know is that Fate didn’t bring them together – the Guardian Angel Corps did, led by two unlikely Cupids – Kelly’s late husband and Zane, a rough and tumble, 19th century cowboy. When a Fallen Angel decides to tear Kelly and James apart, cherubs and harps aren’t going to cut it, and Zane’s unique skills might be just what they need to get a second chance at their first love.

Want more?  As someone who spent several years enjoying the romantic tug of San Diego, I say let's get an excerpt!

She flashed a bright smile at her old friend,  “I sent a friend request to Susie Davidson, and I want to see if she’s responded.”
“Susie Davidson,” Grace’s voice dripped with disdain, “we didn’t badger you into doing this so you could reconnect with Susie Davidson.”
“Hey, what’ve you got against old Susie? She was an integral part of our nerd squad in high school,” David said. “Right, Kel?” 
When she didn’t reply, he glanced over at his old friend to see her frozen at her computer, all the color drained from her face. “Kel, what’s wrong?”
“I didn’t hear from Susie, but I did get a message from James Flynn,” she whispered.
David jumped to his feet and peeked over her shoulder at the computer screen. “Yummy James Flynn from Rye?”
Grace snickered, “Sounds like a sandwich. I’ll have a Yummy James Flynn on rye. Hold the mayo.”
Kelly and David swung their heads in unison to stare at her.
“What? It’s not my fault you two come from a town named after a bread.”
David shook his head mournfully and intoned, “Californians.”
“Native, baby.”  The blonde woman grinned playfully, “And don’t you New England Yankees forget it.”
“What does he say, Kel?” David asked with interest.
Kelly gulped, “He wanted to get in touch and maybe meet for a drink.”  She twisted her head to look up at David, her eyes huge on her pale face, “He lives here, David. In San Diego.”

This sounds like another fun summer read. If you want to read more about Donna or buy Angels Fly, here are buy links and her contact information:

Thank you, Donna, for bringing us Angels Fly. Any comments or questions for Donna?

Finishing That Book

Every week I post  blogs focusing on various authors describing their books and their writing process. This week I am going to do something ...