Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Romancing the West

As someone who grew up visiting uncle's and cousins' ranches, I have always enjoyed reading romance novels set in the West. My parents' romance started on a ranch in Colorado and one of the first romances I wrote featured a city woman in love with a cowboy. Naturally--like my mom and dad--they got their happy ending.

As a result I'm always looking for engaging western romances -- like the latest release by Devon McKay. She is my guest author today in My Writing Corner. Devon writes romances with a western flair for The Wild Rose Press. She says when she is not writing, she is either working on her stained glass projects or walking her dogs in the woods.  

Her newest book is titled, Betting on Kincade, and it sounds like a real winner. I know that cover grabbed my immediate attention!

Everyone Cassie Wilcox loved is gone. And now, thanks to her drunken stepfather, her house and family business will be taken from her, too, unless she can find a way to buy back the ranch from the new owner. With less than two months to come up with money she doesn’t have, her options are running out, and apparently, her common sense as she rents out rooms to an eclectic group of strangers.

Returning home for Dalton Kincade is bittersweet. Not a damn thing has changed. Two years on the rodeo circuit weren’t able to shake free the memory of the feisty redhead who’d broken his heart into a thousand pieces. Nor the sting of her parting words…"Never trust a Kincade."

Winning her beloved ranch in a drunken bet is the last thing he expected to happen, but at least he saved it for her. Now, he has to figure out how to break that news to a woman who never wants to see him again. Renting a room in the house he now owns might be a risk, but it’s nothing compared to betting his heart on winning back the love of his life.

Now doesn't that sound like a sure bet for a wonderful story?
Here are the buy links:


Thanks, Devon, for being my guest.  Any questions or comments for Devon?

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

New Romantic Fun with Old Friends

This is the month for romance and it is always fun to find new fun with a romantic couple who made us fall in love with them the first time around. Joining me today in My Writing Corner is Anita Kidesu, who last year gave us the Candy Hearts romance, Surprise Me.  She is back with the characters from that book, Josie and Carson,  in a new romance, Surprise Me Again.

Charged with trespassing and indecent exposure on Erik Stenson's private beach, Carson and Josie Sandberg return to South Padre Island to take care of the ticket. However, their reunion with Erik is not what they expected.  An invitation for a drink turns into a weekend of passion that fulfills fantasies and leaves all parties wanting to explore a threesome outside the bedroom.

Will time, distance and family issues stand in the way , or will they be surprised again?  

I enjoyed this couple so much the first time around I had to ask Anita for an interview with them.

Carson, the two of you have have been together for a while. What do you like best about Josie?

Her inner strength. It wasn’t easy moving her and the boys across the country. She had to leave her job, find a place for us to live, and deal with our sons’ anger at having to switch schools their senior year of high school. She did this mostly on her own because I had to focus on my new job.

What do you like least?
The fact that she doesn’t realize she has this inner strength. At times she lacks self-confidence. For instance, she hid the fact that she was writing a romance novel. Didn’t tell me or Eric until she’d received a contract. I’m proud of her.
What makes your special relationship work?
Love. Commitment. Laughter. I couldn’t imagine my life without her at my side. Once we met Eric, it was if a piece of me settled into place. I love making Josie happy, and our being with Eric does that.

Josie, what first drew you to Carson?
I hate to admit it because it sounds shallow, but his looks drew me to him. Then when I finally got the courage to talk to him, it was his sense of humor. I love a guy with a sense of humor. One who doesn’t take himself seriously. I’ve met so many guys who thought they had to be bad boys or to be cool meant they couldn’t laugh or smile. Ugh. A man’s smile and laugh are sexy.
What do you secretly wish you could change about him?

Yikes. That’s a tough one. I guess it would be that he could be more handy around the house. After the first time he nearly burned our house down fixing a lamp, and fell off  a ladder cleaning out the gutters, I decided I’d just get my father to do the odd jobs.

For both, or either:  Tell us about your latest adventure.
That would be when we went to South Padre Island armed with a candy heart that said “Surprise Me.” My mother-in-law urged us to spice up our lives by surprising each other. We ended up getting into trouble with the law and had to return to court to clear things up. That’s when we met up with Eric again.
What’s special about Erik?

Josie: Here’s the shallow me again, but his looks attracted me. But there was something about him. I don’t know if it was charisma or what but a spark lit when he approached me. I appreciated that he backed off when he realized I was married. I also liked it that he cares about me and Carson. 

Carson: Eric is like a brother to me, one who loves Josie as much as I do. I’m happy to know that if something were ever happen to me, Eric is there to take care of Josie. He was burned by relationships in the past, but was brave enough to take on Josie and myself.

 What’s ahead for the two of you?
Keep living the way we are with Eric in our lives. Get our boys through college. Enjoy life while we wait to become grandparents, which hopefully won’t happen for many years. Travel.
Thank you both, and thank you, Anita for letting me talk to your characters.
Here are the buy links if you want to get a copy of Surprise me Again.

Here are the social media links if you would like to contact Anita.


Any questions or comments for Anita?

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Romance with a Billionaire

We're moving into February, which means my search is on for wonderful romantic reading.  There's nothing quite like finishing off the winter with some great love stories.  I have to admit an affinity for that new trend toward billionaire romances. Who wouldn't want to find a hot guy with lots of money to spend and with just one weakness--a woman!

Today's guest in My Writing Corner is Jean Adams. She's an award winning romance author from New Zealand, who says she loves happy endings. That makes her a perfect romance writer and she has won several writing contests that also illustrate her skill in doing just that. She is a former airline employee who has travelled extensively so her knowledge in that regard also comes through in her work.

Her newest book  Billionaire romance book, Honey's Greek Billionaire. 
Here's the blurb:

In an effort to stop his embarrassing flirtations, Honey Preston jokingly asks her billionaire boss, Paris Magdalinos, to marry her. Much to her surprise, he accepts, and no amount of wriggling on her part will induce him to let her off the hook. Besides, she doesn't believe she's good enough for him.

Paris has his own agenda. He's using Honey's innocent proposal to help him out of a sticky situation. And their marriage will only be for a short time...until he kisses her and discovers she's the woman he's been seeking. She's perfect for him, and he wants to stay married. But Honey's beliefs are hard to shake.
Here are the buy links:
The Wild Rose Press

For more information on her books and to reach Jean, here is her web page link:

Any comments or questions for Jean?

Characters Lead the Way

We're in the heart of the summer and it is time to relax and enjoy a few good books by the beach or in some secluded mountain cabin. To...