Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Making a Connection

One of the fun things about doing this blog is that I get to meet so many wonderful authors from so many places and who love to go on so many adventures of their own beyond the exciting places where they set their stories. Today's guest in My Wrting Corner is author, Carol Henry.

She is a #1 best selling author who married her high school sweetheart, and lives in the beautiful New York State Finger Lakes area, where they are surrounded by family and friends. Carol and her husband took an early retirement from Cornell University to write, and travel the world. As a world traveler, Carol writes about her visits to exotic locations for major cruise lines' deluxe in-cabin books, and takes pleasure in sharing her adventures with her 'characters' and readers in her romantic suspense adventure novel 'Connection' series--Destination Romance--Exotic, Romantic Suspense Adventures--where the heroine discovers more than the 'wild and wonderful' world around her--she finds her inner courage and a once-in-a-lifetime love. Carol also delights in writing contemporary and holiday romance novels.

Her novels have consistently received awards from the Preditors & Editors Reader's Polls, and her holiday romance, Nothing Short of a Miracle, was a #1 Amazon Best Selling Holiday Novel.

Carol is also the local historian for her home town ,and has written several history books, including the historic novel, Ribbons of Steel, based on the 1877 Railroad Strike, where a fictional family is caught-up in the struggle of survival

Carol, what is the book that you will feature today, and how did you come up with the idea to write it?

My latest novel is Arctic Connection, coming out in February 19, 2024. It’s the 5th in my Connection Series and takes place along the Norwegian Coast up to the North Cape. It’s a light romantic suspense (think Indiana Jones meets Romancing The Stone), and has my characters dealing with a touch of climate change, which is believed to be causing the decline in of fish in the Arctic, but is actually a black-market scheme my hero and heroine have to deal with as they research, travel up along the coast, and interact with each other. Not to mention the involvement in family matters, when it is believed that the heroine’s family is involved in wrong doing. 

As a world traveler and travel writer, having visited the locations/countries/cities I write about, has been the inspiration for my Connection Series, and thus Arctic Connection. My titles—Amazon Connection, Shanghai Connection, Rio Connection, Cairo Connection, and my newest novel Arctic Connection, all take place in countries we’ve visited and have had fascinating adventures and connections with the people. I’m always thinking about which location I can use to make awesome backdrops for my characters to experience their own adventures. Still, I do a bit more research for each location in which I turn my characters loose in order to bring my time period up to date. I admit, I love to share travel experiences with my readers, so instead of just telling readers where my characters are, I ‘show’ them so they can experience it for themselves. As a travel writer, I want my readers to enjoy the location as well as the story.

Let's get a blurb: 

When marine biologist Brianna Murphy goes to Norway on assignment to determine the cause of the decline in fish, she discovers her uncle’s fishery is under suspicion in a black-market ring. Working with an international team of specialists, she goes solo with the team’s climatologist, Conner Holt, and they become the target of several suspicious accidents. Thankfully, Conner has her back. Or does he? 

Conner feels responsible for the accidents they encounter, but he’s not sure he trusts Brianna to be objective since her family is under suspicion. Their investigation heats up as do their interactions. Neither is looking for a long-term relationship. But, will they make that Arctic connection when they finally reach the North Cape?

How about an excerpt?

Reluctantly, Brianna followed Conner back to their vehicle. The weather was ideal, and she was loath to leave this spectacular setting behind. But she knew this wasn’t a vacation, and there were many more scenic sites to enjoy along the way. Still, they had work to do. She climbed into the car, buckled her seat belt, and sighed. She was glad she’d agreed to join him on this impromptu expedition. She couldn’t wait to share her memories with her parents when she returned stateside.

Conner leaned out the window to double-check for oncoming traffic before pulling out of the parking area. Finding it clear, he slowly maneuvered the SUV onto the highway. A large, tan-colored van came careening recklessly over the knoll, heading right at them on the wrong side of the road. Conner veered to the right in order to avoid a head-on collision. The oncoming vehicle, instead of correcting its path, swerved directly toward them, their front bumper hitting against the SUV’s right back fender. The loud crash twisted their SUV sideways, causing it’s rear-end to bang back against the guardrails, next to the overhang, heading in the opposite direction.

Brianna was thrown against the inside of the door, hitting her shoulder. She screamed, then held her breath, closed her eyes, and hoped the railing was sturdy enough to keep them from careening over the cliff and the mile-high drop-off into the rocky ledge and gushing water far below.

Want to know what happens next? You'll have to buy the book. Here are Carol's Buy Links and Social contact information:

Thank you Carol for being my guest today. Any comments or questions for Carol?


  1. I enjoyed both the interview and info about the book, Rebecca and Carol. As a fellow travel writer and romantic suspense writer, I especially appreciate using a known and experienced exotic setting as a backdrop to fiction. The exciting excerpt gives readers an idea what to expect. Best wishes with your novel, Carol

    1. Sorry, Rebecca and Carol, but I had trouble leaving the above comment with my name on it and still am.
      Meryl Brown Tobin

    2. Thanks, Meryl. So many ideas pop up when traveling. I expect your travel writing has also led to great fiction.

  2. Great interview ladies. How nice to combine travel and writing so all of us can go vicariously!

    1. Thanks, for checking it out and responding.

  3. Sounds like an exciting book, Carol. Best wishes for its success.

  4. Great interview! I'd love to travel like that. Interesting book!

    1. Thank you, Ilona. I learn so much when I travel.


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