Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Meet Anita Kidesu

My guest in My Writing Corner today is Anita Kidesu, author of the new Wild Rose Press book, South Seas Seduction. She joins me to tell us about how she got started and her writing process.

Like most authors, my writing has had its twists and turns. I dabbled, cringed at my dabbling, gave up, started again, etc., etc., etc. But, I'm an avid reader. Several years ago I heard about the Romantic Times Convention and decided it sounded like fun. The first year I went as a reader, but the enthusiasm of the authors I met, gave me the incentive to pursue my hidden dream of becoming published.

The second year I went, I checked the box for "Aspiring Author" and even pitched a book idea. This year I'm finally going as "Published Author!"  South Seas Seduction was released March 13 of this year.

 One of the biggest questions I think authors get asked is "Where do you get your ideas?" For me ideas are everywhere. I'm always playing the "What if" game. What if a character finds a note in a couch she recently bought saying someone needed help. What if she decides to help? (I actually found a note tucked in a couch I was looking to buy at a store - bam - story idea. It wasn't a note asking for help.) Sometimes I get ideas watching or listening to people in restaurants, stores, on walks. My problem is I don't always have something to write my ideas down on, and then forget them.

I'm a cross between a plotter and a pantser. When I get an idea for a book, the characters come to me pretty quickly. I do a character chart for each one. I do a very rough outline of the book - the beginning and end - and start writing. As I'm writing I get ideas on where the story should go to get to the ending. Many times my characters change as I'm writing. I once had a woman I pegged to be a nasty person. Part way through the book, I realized she wasn't. I had to change where the book was going. Most of my characters are people I've never met, but I once wrote a short story where one of the main characters ended up being too similar to one of my siblings. My critique partners actually recognized her and suggested I change the character, which I did.

The idea for South Seas Seduction came while I was on vacation in the Caribbean with some friends. I was on the beach, reading a book, I believe it was one of Shayla Black's, when the sound of three men and one woman playing in the water distracted me. They were simply horsing around, splashing water at each other. In the horizon, I saw a plane flying toward land. Suddenly I had this idea. What if a woman was stranded on a deserted island with three men after a plane crash? I originally had the story set in 1963, but my editor had me make it a contemporary.

 I wanted three men who were different, but the same in how they treat women - with respect. Jack, who was the pilot of the plane, is an adventurer. He can be crass at times, but I love how he cares for Emma and helps her to grow as a woman.
Emma is a protected daughter of an ambassador. She'd gone to private schools all her life and was never allowed to travel alone. She's shy, naïve, but somewhere along the way she becomes feisty and in charge of her life. She is one character that changed as I wrote the book. I liked that about her.
What I like best about writing is getting lost in my characters and plot. I love coming up with new ideas and plots and trying to see what trouble I can get my characters in. And, of course, I love coming up with the Happily Ever After ending.
 What I like least about writing is the editing process. By the time South Seas Seduction was in print, I believe I read it at least eight times. It's frustrating when you think you've caught all the mistakes and find one more during your last sweep of the manuscript. Then I wonder if I should read it a dozen more times.
I also don't like it when I can't figure out how to get a character to do something he/she doesn't want to do. When that happens, I walk away from my desk, and think about something else. I'm always amazed how the problem solves itself - or the character solves the problem.
 Since I have a full-time job, I try to write during my breaks, in the evenings after work, and on the weekends. I'm not married and don't have children, so I have a little more freedom than someone who does. I turn on instrumental music, get my rear in the chair and write. When the weather is nice, I like to take my laptop outside on my deck, or go to a park and write. Since I live in Wisconsin, this means during the winter months, I'm cooped up inside. By March, I long to get outside and write. The book I just sent to my editor (she wants me to change the title, and at this point I don't know what it will be), was mostly written while I took a camping trip. There was just something about being in the woods that helped me write the book. Not surprisingly, part of the setting for this book involves the outdoors.
 Advice I would give beginning writers is never give up. Getting published can be frustrating, and at times writers feel like it will never happen. During that time, learn your craft. Write, write, write. Read what other authors have to say about writing. But most of all, never give up. The most valuable tip I have received about writing was to read my rejection letters and file them away. Don't let them get me down and learn from them.
How about a blurb for South Seas Seduction:

Sheltered all her life as the daughter of an ambassador, Emma Labonte boards a small plane on a trip from Australia. One hijacking and a plane crash later, she finds herself on a deserted island and stranded with three different yet equally sexy men. With no hope for rescue, the four begin to carve a semblance of a life in their tropical setting. Closeness breeds curiosity, and naive Emma begins to wonder what it would be like to be loved by these three men. The adventurer Jack, Toby the intelligent doctor, and shy English professor Steve--each carve a special place in her heart. When her three men launch seduction in the South Seas, how can she resist? 
Buy Links:
How can readers contact you?
Thanks, Anita!  Any questions or comments?


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Meet Marie Tuhart

My guest today in My Writing Corner is Marie Tuhart. Tell us a little about your writing journey and how you got started as an author. 

Well, I wrote my first novel at 19. Didn't have a clue what I was doing, but I'd been reading romance since I was sixteen and wanted to write one. Then real life got in the way with a full-time job and going to college that it took away from genre writing. I took creative writing in college to keep my toes in the water.

Did you always want to be a writer?

I've always had a good imagination, but I really didn't consider becoming a writer until I graduated college.

What genre or genres do you write?

I write contemporary erotic romance, dabble in paranormal erotic romance and contemporary series romance. I read my first romance while babysitting for my sister. I loved the story, it was sweet romance. My cousin owned a used bookstore at the time, so I loaded up with 4 boxes of romance and dived in. I loved the way the stories took me away (I read historical, contemporary anything I could get my hands on) and they made me feel good.

Where do you get story ideas?

It depends. For my current book, Red Club Temptation,  it was an idea from my publisher about the small main town of Lobster Cove and I started play "what if" and brainstormed with my critique group. Other times, I have a germ of an idea and I go from there.

Tell us about your writing process. Do you plot carefully or wing it?

I do both. I used to be a very detailed plotter, but now I do a rough outline and go from there.

How do you normally come up with characters?

Usually the characters come to me. I can be thinking about writing a book and suddenly a character come to mind. Sometimes characters come to me in my dreams.

How much say or input do your characters get in your plotting?

Oh that's funny, because my characters have lots of input. Makes me sound insane, but my characters will talk to me about what they will or will not do. And many times they surprise me.

Tell us a little about the background for this story and what made you want to write it?

Well, my publisher The Wild Rose Press, did a call for book set in the small town of Lobster Cove Maine. It crossed all the sub-genres. So I started thinking, how would a BDSM club fit into this town. I found out when the town was founded, researched what brothel's were called at the time and the store went from there.

How did you come up with your characters for this book?

That was funny, I was at a writing retreat when the call came out. So I brainstormed with my critique group. But my first thought was "what if the heroine owned the club." And then I thought about why the hero would come back to Lobster Cove.

What do you like best about your current hero?

Caleb is really a good guy, he's all man and is willing to go the extra mile to get what he wants.

What about your heroine?

Jessie is spunky and won't take crap from anyone. But she also has a soft side.

What do you like best about being a writer?

The creation of the story.

What do you like least?

Edits. I have to think too much. What are you working on now? Right now I'm working on edits for a ménage book called Bound and Teased. These characters have taken over and run amuck.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

Read, take walks with my dog and visit with family.

Do you listen to music while you write or do you like total silence?

I always have either music on or the TV. I need white nose.

How about a blurb?

She needs a dungeon master. He needs her secrets. Red Club owner Jessie Michaels isn't looking for love, just someone competent to monitor her dungeon in Lobster Cove's only BDSM club. But a new Dominant catches her eye and makes her tingle in all the right places. She's called away for business before she can catch his name, but not before that commanding voice tempts her for more. Caleb Drake has returned to Lobster Cove to find out what makes the Red Club so successful only to discover the sexy redheaded sub he met the night before is actually his boss. He vows to keep business separate from pleasure, but the temptation to see if the iron-fisted club owner is truly submissive in the bedroom becomes too much. But when Caleb's ulterior motive is revealed, will Jessie be ruled by business...or pleasure?

How can readers reach you or find you online?

Website: Facebook www.facebook/marietuhart Goodreads Twitter @marietuhart Pinterest

Thanks for being my guest today, Marie, and good luck with your new book.  Any questions for Marie?

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Meet Christina Hollis

Visiting today in My Writing Corner is multi published author Christina Hollis.  Her latest book is His Majesty's Secret Passion, which was released last month by The Wild Rose Press.  Christina comes from Somerset, England and met her husband on a blind date.  She's been writing all her life and became a full time author when they moved to the Gloucestershire countryside.  She wrote non-fiction articles for national magazines before become a fiction author.
Her first full length novel, Knight's Pawn, was published by Harlequin Mills and Boon's Masquerade line. She took a career break to raise her family but she still wrote--concentrating on short stories. In 2007, she returned to writing longer, and wrote her first Mills and Boon Modern Romance, The Italian Billionaire's Virgin.
She says she writes contemporary romance starring complex men and independent women. When not writing, she can be found cooking, gardening or beekeeping. Her books have been translated into more than a dozen languages and she's sold nearly three million books worldwide.  In addition to focusing on romantic conflict, she likes to capture the countryside in all its moods.  Her idea of relaxing is reading with a cup of tea and a piece of chocolate cake.
Here's a blurb on her latest book, His Majesty's Secret Passion:
Leo Gregoryan is determined to be the perfect king. Loyalty to his country means sacrificing his own happiness, but he’ll divert the energy he once poured into his dream of becoming a doctor toward royal duties. All he needs right now is a stress-free vacation–no future queen need apply. Sara Astley escapes to the luxurious Paradise Hotel after she’s dumped by her partner, who then stole the promotion she’d expected. She hides her broken dreams behind a tough exterior. Her stubborn streak makes her a challenge Leo can’t resist. His special brand of hands-on persuasion seduces Sara into enjoying the holiday of a lifetime. Their fling can't hurt either of them–or so they think. Leo's focussed on being the ideal hero. Sara knows what she wants, and that’s independence. Then a revelation tears them apart, meaning things can never be the same between them...
 Here's an excerpt:
The sea was so calm, Sara felt a wonderful sense of release. The Neroli swept across the surface like a swallow. She loved it. “You handle this boat like you were born to it, Leo.”
He seemed to find this funny. Seeing him look so happy made her heart do a little dance in her chest. The tousled man who kicked off his shoes and commanded his vessel barefoot and windblown was a world away from the sleek seducer of the night before...
Sara had a sudden crisis of conscience. She hadn’t texted her PA since the night before. Digging in her bag for her mobile, she switched it on. “Why do I get the funniest feeling I’m being watched?” she said without looking up from the keypad.
“Because you are. And there are two good reasons for that.”
 “You’re going to moan at me for checking mail when I should be taking a break.”
“That was one of the reasons.”
She guessed the other before he put it into words. “Blushing suits you, Sara.”
“It’ll look a whole lot better when my skin’s lost this pasty white colour.”
Leo clicked his tongue. “A woman like you should be sophisticated enough to accept compliments with better grace.”
“Sorry, but I don’t take orders from a guy who looks like a pirate.” She lolled back against the rail. It felt good to let the sun pour over her body. “Stop laughing, Leo.”
“If I’m a pirate, then the sea should be my only mistress. Is that what you want?”

Twitter (
For a full list of her books:
For her latest book, visit or

Thanks, Christina!  Any comments or questions? 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Meet Penny Jaeger

My guest today in My Writing Corner is Peggy Jaeger. We'd like to know about your books. What genre do you write? 
I write contemporary romance, which also happens to be my favorite genre to read.
What made you fall in love with that genre?

I believe the power of love can heal all wounds and make the world a better place. Romantic fiction espouses the belief that there really are happily ever after endings in the real world and that true love can and will make your life better. I love that.

Your newest book is Skater's Waltz, which is available today. Tell us a little about this story and what made you want to write it?
My story is about an Olympic figure skater. I skated for many, many years – not at the caliber of my heroine – until a ridiculous fall while skating destroyed one of my ankles. After that, I hung up my skates. But I still adore the sport, never miss a televised event, and wanted to write about a skater and how she finds love.
How do you come up with your characters?

I am a huge people watcher. Whenever I am out and about I watch people, their mannerisms, how they are doing something as simple as making their coffee taste perfect in Dunkin’ Donuts, or the way their order their dinner at my fav restaurant. I love seeing how people interact with one another. I try to guess if the couple bickering at the next table is married, or if the lovebirds in the corner are dating/cheating on spouses/newlyweds. I usually pick up one trait or character component from all my watching to add to the layers of my characters. Let’s face it, one note people are boring. And one note characters will make the reader put down the book in disgust very quickly. So the quickest answer to the question, is I “find” my characters in my every day encounters. Having said that, though, I have never used someone I know personally as a character.

 What about the plot?  Do you do a complete outline or do you just wing it?
I am the proverbial master plotter. I take days, sometimes weeks, to meticulously write down all my ideas for a story and then weave them into the semblance of an outlined plot. I refer to the outline frequently once I start writing, but I have been known to veer off from a  plot point every now and again if something more promising jumps onto my pages.
What do you do when you hit a rough spot?

I usually have three or four books in various periods of production at one time. If I hit a rough patch in one, I move to another and work on that one until I resolve the original problem, or become so engrossed in the present plot that I’ve forgotten why I started working on it!

Do you listen to music while you write or do you like total silence?
I write in an attic room lit by skylights and over looking my wooded property. I simply love silence. During a snowstorm – which is happening right now as I write - I can gaze out the window during page breaks and see nothing but beauty stare back at me. To mar that with sound would be anathema to me. The only “music” I ever listen to while writing is the birds chirping when they come back in the spring.
What was the most valuable tip you ever received about writing?

Hands down the best piece of advice I’ve ever taken away from another author was from Nora Roberts. At 2014 RWA nationals, I sat in on her chat. She was asked how she can be such a prolific writer, even after over 200 books penned. She said it was simple, really. She puts her butt in the chair and she types. That’s it. Butt in chair, hands on the keyboard. I think about that everyday when I sit down to write. If it was an ad, it would probably be Nike’s: Just Do It. Words to live an write by.

How about a blurb?
 Figure skater Tiffany Lennox is busy with rehearsals for an upcoming ice show when the only man she’s ever loved comes home after a two-year overseas stint. She needs him to see her for the woman she’s become and not the child he knew to ensure he stays home, this time, for good. With her.

For all his wanderlust and hunger for professional success, Cole Greer comes home wanting nothing more than to rest, relax and recover. He is delighted in being Tiffany’s hero and has a special place in his heart reserved for her. But faced with the oh-so-desirable woman she’s become, he starts questioning his determination to keep their relationship platonic.
When forced by the television network to go back on assignment, Cole - for the first time in his life - is torn between his career and his heart.

How can readers reach you or find you online?
I’m a social media junkie!
My website/blog:
Amazon Author page:

Rebecca – thanks so much for hosting me! Love your questions. 

Thank you,  Peggy, and best of luck with Skater's Waltz. I'll be looking for it today!  Any question


Characters Lead the Way

We're in the heart of the summer and it is time to relax and enjoy a few good books by the beach or in some secluded mountain cabin. To...