As a writer I feel like I am always on the job. To me each new day is an opportunity to learn
something new, to find something unique or to make new discoveries about old
favorites. Even the dawn can be a new sensation, and I wake every day knowing I
need to keep an eye out for unique opportunities that might otherwise go
this may sound strange, but as a writer I am always looking for new ways to
write a scene or to describe an even or a scene. If I am having to write conversations, I need
to constantly be on the look out for finding new ways that people can express
themselves. Otherwise every conversation between my characters is going to
sound the same. New characters are going
to view different sensations and events in different ways and I need to stay
alert to what they might be. My city reporter
is going to view a night in the mountains or lost in the prairie different than
a cowboy, while that cowboy is going to hear the noise of the city in a
different way than the reporter who is used to waking in the morning to blaring
horns and people shouting on the street.
For several years I lived above a freeway where the noise of the traffic
was such a constant hum that when I visited home or stayed in a cabin in the
woods I couldn’t sleep. The night was
too quiet. Every little sound made me

past weekend we made our annual visit to Denver’s Brown Palace Hotel for tea.
It’s always a wonderfully festive occasion and as usual it was fun to watch the
young girls dressed up in frilly dresses, sitting very properly on the sofas
enjoying tea in dainty cups with their mothers and grandmothers. Some still
wear white gloves. In past years, we’ve
attended during football season when some of the men wore orange t-shirts under
their suit jackets (this being Denver and since the Broncos would be playing
across town)
again I was very aware of the sounds of the afternoon, the piano player running
through a variety of showtunes to all time country favorites, the clinking of
the glasses, the steady efficiency of the waiters and waitresses refilling tea
pots and gliding by with china stacks of dainty sandwiches, scones and
delicious tiny desserts. The conversation
stays at a low rumble below the piano music. And of course, this is all taking
place in a stately lobby that has welcomed everyone from world leaders to
presidents to the Beatles at one time. The center gallery is open all the way
to the roof with its stained glass ceiling and every so often one of the guests
on an upper floor can be seen peering over the wooden rails.
is one of those places where you want to imagine setting a scene in a novel from
any year since the Brown Palace was built in the 1800s to the present when the
big area still bustles with out of town visitors, the afternoon tea groups or hotel
guests checking in for the night.
might not use this particular setting for a book, but just being aware of the
ambiance and listening for the unique sounds and breathing in the distinct
smell of the flowers on the tables and the many small touches that enhance the
scene make for a great opportunity to write a scene or practice writing by
describing as setting. It’s like being a
painter with a fresh piece of canvas and all the colors on a nearby palette. It’s
like as blank slate, just waiting to be written. As the author, I get to fill
in the conversations, build the characters to sit in those overstuffed chairs
and sofas and tell the stories.
Look for those empty canvas moments and use
them, whether it’s sitting on a lakefront, visiting a new city or trying a new
experience. Use the writer’s senses to drink in the scene so you are ready to spill
it out in the words and viewpoints of your characters.