I am away from my blog this week, but I'll be appearing as a guest on several other blogs. I hope you'll stop by and visit. If you leave a comment at any of them, you might win a free copy of Shadows from the Past, my novella that has just come out in print from The Wild Rose Press.
Today, I am guesting over at fellow TWRP author, Dylan Newton's blog, discussing Shadows from the Past, among other topics, including the reasons why I love to participate in NaNoWriMo every year. It's an intensive month of writing, but I'm already on track to finish 50,000 words.

Tomorrow I will be a guest at Victorian writer, Susan McAtee's blog. I'll be talking about how I develop my many characters and what they meant to me, plus why I chose to write a gothic suspense story.
Finally, later this week, on Thursday, Stacey Moreno from Shadows will be interviewed at Donna's Dish. Find out what she's hoping to achieve as she sets out on a journey of discovery.
Again, you could win a print copy of my novella if you leave a comment at any of those blogs. I'll be selecting a different winner every day.
I'll be back next week with a look at my visit to the Tony Hillerman Writer's Conference in Santa Fe New Mexico.
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