Here's a blurb:
Survival demands sacrifice. Healing requires forgiveness.
After losing her lover and then her mate, Victoria Storm builds a new life in Sierra Pines, California. When the Norse Fates predict the she-wolf will destroy the world to save her unborn child, her duties as Freya’s priestess conflict with her responsibilities as Odin’s Valkyrie.
Sawyer Barrett has hunted Victoria so passionately, he doesn't know whether he loves or hates her. Desperate to end the fighting, he will take chances with everything—except his heart. This hunter harbors a deadly secret he can't reveal without risking the tentative ceasefire and his father’s continued disapproval.
Men revere him; monsters fear him. Jake Barrett—the notorious Hunter King—values loyalty to family above all else. When he believes his eldest son was murdered by a wolf ally, he releases a chain reaction of violent destruction that claims the lives of both wolves and hunters.

As you can see, the cover is great, done by artist Farah Evers. And if that isn't enough to get your attention, here's an excerpt to whet your interest:
Shadows enshrouded Skuld, and her voice manifested upon the air, thick and oppressive, closing in from all sides. "Your daughter will not grow to adulthood in Midgard."
Victoria's heart slammed
against her breastbone. Her breath expelled in a horrified gust. The bowl
dropped from her hands which flew to protect her abdomen. "What do you
"Your daughter will be
taken from you on the eve of her third birthday," Skuld said. "The
one you trust most, a member of your own pack, will give the child over to your
greatest enemy."
A growl trembled in
Victoria's throat, and her entire body shook under the dual assault of fear and
rage. The suggestion of betrayal from within her own pack filled her with
disbelief to the core of her being. It was unthinkable. Gritting her teeth, she
sought a solution, refusing to dwell on it. "How am I to prevent
"We speak of what will
come to pass," Verðandi said in a sympathetic tone.
"Your predictions are
not carved in stone," Victoria said. Arguing with Fate was a foolish
endeavor, but she refused to accept their prophecy.
The old woman, Urðr, smiled
with a frightening gleam in her eyes. "Predictions, carved into the trunk
of the World Tree, carved into the spiritual fabric of the world."
Stubborn determination
settled over Victoria like armor. Her mother had taught her there was no
absolute fate, just as there was no absolute free will. Life consisted of a
wide range of possibilities between the two extremes. She refused to allow her
daughter to die at three years of age. She would move worlds, alter fate, slay
Whatever it took.
"Do you wish to save
your child?" Skuld asked.
Victoria answered without
thought. "Yes. I'll do anything. Tell me. Please."
"The final days are
upon us," Verðandi said.
Skuld took over speaking.
"To save your daughter, you will side with Loki against the Aesir. You
will use your enchanted dagger to cut the binding of the great wolf Fenrir. You
will be responsible for freeing the beast that kills Odin."
Victoria's stomach turned.
Her head shook in automatic denial. "When the gods imprisoned Fenrir, my
people pledged fealty to the Aesir. We have served them loyally ever since.
Even when we were driven from the homeland, almost a millennium ago, we
remained faithful. I will never cut Fenrir's bonds. To do so would end the
world we live in and doom us all."
Skuld's gaze held steady.
"You will."
Victoria snarled her
denial. "No. I will never become the servant of the Trickster or willingly
take part in bringing about Odin's death."
Skuld turned her head and pinned Victoria with
one black eye that rolled in its socket like a liquid marble. "To save
your daughter, you will."
Battle Cry is available for purchase:
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Melissa is also well known for her satirical wit and her popular blog The Snarkology. If you'd like to reach her, here is how to contact her.
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Email: melissasnark at gmail.com