Wednesday is guest day at The Writing Corner and today we have joining us new author, Devon McKay, whose new book Cowboy on the Run has just been released for Kindle by The Wild Rose Press.
Devon, tell me a little of your writing journey? How did
you get started? Did you always want to be a writer?
On your webpage you say you see romance in
everything you see. Do you find yourself composing stories in your head of some
of those things – like old buildings or lonely roads?
Absolutely! What could possibly be more romantic
than an old building or a lonely road? Oh…the possibilities are endless! I
think everything, and I do mean everything, has a story.
Who are some of your favorite authors in your genre?
I have so many. Mary Balough, Lisa Kleypas, Julie
Garwood, Jude Deveraux, Julia Quinn, Eloisa James, and several of the authors
writing for The Wild Rose Press just to name a few. Honestly, the list goes on
and on.
Why did you choose that particular genre?
Your first book, Cowboy on the Run, has just come
out. What gave you the idea for this story?
I got the idea from a verse in a song by Lady Gaga.
“I’m not leaving here without you.” At one point, my hero actually used it in
my book. The line got stuck in my head and I couldn’t make it go away. It’s
quite a statement. [ID1]
Tell us a little about this book and what made you
want to write it?
First love, lost love and two little secrets a mother
can no longer hide. How could I not write it? I couldn’t help myself. Once I
got the idea in my head, I simply couldn’t stop. Cowboy on the Run is about
life and families. A modern twist on the knight in shining armor rescuing a
damsel in distress. In this case, it’s more like a tarnished shell. And the
damsel? Not so distressed. Although, I have to admit, a man coming back to reclaim
his first and only love and refusing to take no for an answer certainly makes
my knees weak. Finding out he’s a father to a twin boy and girl gives the story
an interesting twist.
What did you like best about your hero?
He’s flawed. There is no doubt about it, the man is
screwed up. Oh sure, he’s sexy as hell with steely blue eyes and a devil may
care attitude, but he comes with baggage. Raised singlehandedly by an abusive,
alcoholic father, Nate learned at an early age how easy it was to run from
problems. It takes him a while, but he figures out running isn’t the solution. Even
with this newly found insight, he’s far from perfect. And the itch to run never
goes away. It is always just below the surface.
What about your heroine?
Jessie has grit. Endurance. No matter what knocks
her down, she’s able to somehow pick herself up and face the world again. Although,
such a hammering doesn’t come without a price. She’s extremely guarded. In fact
there’s very few people she does trust, defending her family with the
fierceness of a lioness. Whereas Nate struggles with the urge to run, Jessie is
the opposite – stubbornly fighting until the bitter end. She’s resilient. However,
beyond her tough exterior, lies a vulnerable girl harboring a broken heart.
What are you working on now?
I’m always working on something. I can’t go an
entire night without snippets of new ideas for novels forming in my head and keeping
me awake. Often times I am up at 4 am jotting down notes. It drives my husband
crazy. I recently submitted a story to The Wild Rose Press about an overly
ambitious advertising executive making a travel brochure on Alaska and the
territorial Alaskan who plans on making her endeavor anything but easy. Fingers
crossed my editor enjoys the story as much as I did writing it.
What genre would you like to write if you had the
time to research?
I’m toying with writing a crime novel and have
written several short horror stories, but I like romance. I always return to
the love stories. I think I might try my hand at a historical western. I can’t
seem to stay away from those cowboys for too long.
This is your first book with The Wild Rose Press,
any advice to beginning writers?
Keep writing. Never give up the dream. Write a great
book and submit it to The Wild Rose Press. TWRP is absolutely amazing!
Is there anything else you would like reader to know
about Cowboy on the Run?
My book is about family. Oh, there’s plenty of
romance and I can’t say enough about the turbulent steamy affair between Nate
and Jessie, but there is so much more to the story. There’s the big secret
Jessie’s kept from Nate. The children.
On opposite ends of the spectrum they are both charming and endearing, yet
adventurous and impulsive. Not to mention the rest of Jessie’s family who are
just as protective as she is. And did I forget to mention a villain? Yes, every
great story must have an evil, untrusting sort lurking around in the background
and up to no good. I don’t want to give away too much. Just a taste, so you
will read the book.
Thank you so much for having me Rebecca. I had no
idea that being a blog guest could be so much fun! We have something in common.
Your book – Dead Man’s Rules is coming out at the same time as mine. Now that’s
exciting! And I can’t wait to read it!
Thank you, Devon and good luck with Cowboy on The Run.
I adore flawed heroes and yours sounds delightful. Best of luck with the new book. Barb Bettis
ReplyDeleteWelcome to TWRP. You're right, they are absolutely great. Your story sounds wonderful.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great comments and warm welcome to TWRP. It means a lot to a new author
ReplyDeleteGood Luck with what sounds like a really fun ride!! I'm in the process of shopping my first manuscript and hope to get to join the group of " Published" soon. Cindy Kessler
ReplyDeleteThanks, everyone for the comments, and thank you again, Devon, for being my guest. Good luck with your book.