Thank you so much for having me here today! I never
get to talk about myself : ) I’m a busy mom of three, dog mom of one, guinea
pig mom of three, and wife of one so there’s always someone else to talk about.
This is a refreshing change. Fire away, Rebecca!
did you always want to be a writer? When did you know you wanted to write?
I’ve always written stories and poems, since I was
little. By high school any fictional assignment ended in a happily ever after
(and kissing). Everyone thought I’d be an English major. I surprised them all
by majoring in Cellular Immunology, a branch of Biology, instead. But after
years of working in the drug development field and coming home to write in the
evenings, I joined my local Romance Writers of America chapter and have pursued
publication ever since. I stayed in my day job for a decade until paying for 3
kids in daycare no longer made sense. Then I began writing during nap times and
in carpool lines until I had some manuscripts I could submit. In 2009 I became
a finalist in the prestigious Golden Heart writing contest (with my paranormal
romance, MAGICK) and published shortly after that.
did you get published? Got an idea, wrote lots of words, changed lots of words, attended workshops, started over, attended conferences, pitched my book ideas, submitted manuscript, ate chocolate over rejections, took out adverbs and added stronger verbs, entered contests, cringed over red ink marks, changed more words, started something new….repeat for ten years. LOL!
Fast forward from 1999 – 2009…
After writing the first two books in my paranormal
romance series, The Dragonfly Chronicles, I entered them into several contests.
I entered the Georgia Romance Writers Maggie Contest and won third place. I
then won first place in the Lone Star Writing Contest and the final judge was
an editor. She contacted me through e-mail about the book. Right after I signed
my first contract I got the call of a lifetime about being a finalist in the
Golden Hearts. From there I was able to attract and sign with an agent. 2009
was an incredible year!
had some bad moments when you found you had ovarian cancer. Can you tell us
about that and your journey back to writing?
Hearing “it is cancer” shatters your world. My days
turned from producing witty dialogue and magical adventures to 6-hour chemo
infusions and juggling a dozen different medications. At various times I was
numb, frantic, in pain, furious, and afraid I’d leave my kids without a mom and
my husband without a wife (he lost his own mom to breast cancer when he was
9yo). I didn’t believe in happy endings with my own happily-ever-after
threatened. So I couldn’t write or even read fiction. I only wanted to read and
write about how I was going to kill the beast trying to take over my body.
Being a writer, I was miserable NOT writing. So I
started to blog about my treatments. As people began to follow me, I tweaked my
focus. I wrote about how to survive any type of pain, whether from cancer, job
loss, divorce, loss of a loved one, or some other tragedy. How does one
continue on in the face of such loss? I bled my fears and pain and hope out
into those pages and thus began healing emotionally.
As my treatments ended (15 months of kicking
cancer’s booty) I found the mental strength to start writing fiction again. My
growing strength and the realization that I just might live, rekindled my
belief in happy endings. I’m thrilled to report that my last CT scan was clean
and my cancer screening blood test (CA125) was very low, meaning that I am
still in remission. Woot! 
us a little about your latest book.
HEART was released in June of this year and is the third full-length book in my
Highland Hearts series (although each book can stand alone, they are best read
in order). In the first books, the heroines possess a magic (colored blue) that
moves small particles, either in the body to heal or in the air to affect the
weather. Searc Munro, the Highland hero in CRIMSON HEART, is the first male to
inherit the magic, except his magic is colored red and it kills.
Searc’s killing magic is revealed, he journeys east to Edinburgh where no one
knows his cursed secret. On the way he rescues an English lass, Elena, who is
fleeing England’s Bloody Queen Mary and the threat of the executioner’s block
with secrets of her own. Thrown together by chance, drawn together by desire,
they must learn that love and trust go hand in hand before their secrets are
exposed and Elena becomes the next victim of the murderer stalking the Scottish
Ideas for CRIMSON HEART came mostly from my fabulous trip to Scotland last summer. We stayed on Loch Linnhe, near Fort Williams in the Highlands. The rugged green mountainsides dotted with fluffy sheep, the raw beauty in every direction, and the rich history inspired me. When I later toured Edinburgh castle, I realized it was perfect for the setting of my latest story. St. Margaret’s Chapel, on the grounds of the castle, is quaint, ancient and authentic. I knew immediately that it would be a part of CRIMSON HEART.
us an idea of how you develop your characters.
I’m a very visual writer. I like to see my
characters (basic features & strong emotions) and settings (authentic
historical details). So I create collages for my books. I take a day toward the
beginning of each new project to cut out pictures of landscapes, people and
objects that mean something to my story. I paste them on an open folder, poster
board or even in a blank book to give me something to glance at while writing.I like to choose pictures that depict strong emotions. Sometimes just staring at a character’s tortured face helps me figure out their background, quirks, fears, and motivation. Once I start to understand my characters I let them loose in my mind. While I’m washing dishes, walking the dog, and folding clothes banter and disasters tumble my thoughts into fantastic plots. Then I run to a notebook and scribble down my ideas. The good ones make it into my computer.
do you research your stories?

For atmosphere, nothing beats actually setting foot
on and breathing the air of the setting, which was why my trip to Britain
inspired me immensely. Speaking with trained tour guides and investigating the
authentic historical and cultural details at museums and sites provides us with
the closest to first-hand knowledge available.
are you working on now?
CRIMSON HEART is the last full-length novel I have
planned in the Highland Hearts series, although fans of the series have
requested more. So there could be another long novella or full length book
after CH.
My other historical paranormal romance series, The
Dragonfly Chronicles, is almost complete. Four books are out and I’m currently
writing the fifth and final novel, SACRIFICE.
Lastly, the sequel to my first Young Adult
contemporary, paranormal romance, SIREN’S SONG, will be coming out in the
spring next year. So there are several projects keeping me busy.
would you tell writers who are facing life changing obstacles as they also try
to write?
Great question. Everyone is different and each
writer responds uniquely to life altering stress. I spoke to one author, who
threw herself into her fictional world when she was diagnosed with cancer,
preferring to lose herself there instead of dealing with her own frightening
On the other hand, writing fiction takes a lot of
mental stamina. Creating worlds out of nothing, building two-dimensional
characters into authentic beings, and teasing lives apart until they explode in
conflict can be too much for someone fighting pain, fear and loss.
In that case, writers need to focus on their health
first. I was told by some very experienced authors to “take a season” and heal.
I was upfront with my agent about needing time and she worked with my editors
to extend my contracts and deadlines.
My advice is to do what feels right to you. If you
love to write, but can’t tear yourself away from focusing on survival (like
me), blog about what you’re enduring. Give people someone to follow who is
inspiring and positive. Make your difficulties work to help others.
do you read when you are not writing?
I usually read in a genre that I am not currently
writing, otherwise I tend to take on that author’s voice in my own manuscript.
It’s rather like picking up a southern accent when visiting down in Dixie for a
while. Right now I’m reading Cassandra Clare’s CLOCKWORK PRINCESS, which is a
YA, paranormal set in old London. The series is very different from my current
work in progress, SACRIFICE, an adult book which takes place in late 19th
century Scotland.
I also read how-to-write books. My current favorite
is Blake Snyder’s Screenwriting book called SAVE THE CAT. I love how he constructs
an adventurous plot and makes me think about theme and pacing.
I’m also a lover of biographies and history books,
which both help me flesh out settings and characters. Right now I’m reading
everything I can find on WWII as I’ll be taking a break from writing romantic
fiction to write my grandmother’s memoir on surviving a concentration camp
sometime in the next two years.
us a little about your writing day – how do you make time?
Now that all three of my kiddos are in school, it is
much easier for me to find time to write. It takes me from 5:50 AM – 9:00 AM to
get my kids to their three different schools. During those hours I sneak to my
computer to answer e-mails, check Twitter and Facebook, and remember what needs
to be done. After the kids are in school, I exercise, shower and warm a cup of
chai latte to coax my muse out to play. She can’t resist the taste of cinnamon.
If it’s nice out, I sit on my back porch where I can
hear birds. If I’m inside I sit at my lovely little writing desk, which I’ve
named Eleri. I turn on my faux Tiffany lamp named Jule (after the heroine in
SIREN’S SONG) and settle into my unnamed chair.
I pull out the collage of my current project and
find where I left off in the book. If I can write for three solid hours each
day I can usually stay on schedule. After the kids get home I squeeze in a
little more time finishing a scene or writing a blog post or interview.
I am so blessed and thankful for this fabulous life.
I might not live in a huge house or drive a new car, but I have my health again
and I get to spend time each day doing what I love – writing about digging
around in the ashes of conflict to find the perfect happy ending.
there anything else you would like to tell writers about facing overwhelming
odds or ovarian cancer?
The same advice applies to both – don’t give up.
Continue to take steps forward each day, even if on some days that just means
making yourself get out of bed and shower. Steps forward for writers could be
writing each day, even if it’s just one page. But each step takes you closer to
your goal, whether it’s to be published or to finish chemo. And when you’re
buried under rejections or must endure another intravenous infusion, and you
feel like your day is closer to Hades than Heaven, just remember the words of
Winston Churchill (which became my mantra) – “When you’re going through Hell, KEEP GOING!”
Ovarian cancer is the deadliest of the GYN cancers
and there are no early detection methods (a PAP Smear doesn’t detect OC, that’s
Cervical cancer). The symptoms are very quiet and are often missed until it is
too late. Your best defense is to know the symptoms and listen to your body. If
you experience one or more symptoms, every day for three weeks, please see a
GYN for a pelvic exam. A trans-vaginal ultrasound and a CA125 blood test is
recommended if OC is suspected.
that is persistentEating less & feeling fuller
Abdominal pain
Trouble with your bladder
Other symptoms may include: fatigue, constipation, indigestion, back pain, pain with intercourse, menstrual irregularities, and unexplained weight loss or gain.
For more information about ovarian cancer, please
check out http://www.ovarian.org/
. You can also feel free to contact me at Heather@HeatherMcCollum.com.
can readers reach you or find you online?Thanks for having me here today! I’ve had lots of fun answering your questions. For more information on me and my books, please stop by my web site at www.HeatherMcCollum.com. I can also be found here:
FB https://www.facebook.com/HeatherMcCollumAuthor
Pinterest http://www.pinterest.com/hmccollumauthor/
Thank you so much for being here today, good luck with your writing and thank you for your inspiration and advice on fighting ovarian cancer.
Beautiful interview, Heather. So happy that you're cancer free and writing!