Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Meet Syd St. Clair

My guest today in My Writing Corner is Syd St. Clair. Did you always want to be a writer?

I always laugh at this question because I hated English and writing.  It wasn’t until I had children that I realized back in my day, there was no importance on the actual ability to tell a story. Everything I wrote was covered in red, from elementary school on with no encouragement on the actual story. My kids were encouraged to write, with the understanding that the mechanics would come later.
What I have always been though, is a story teller, just not on paper. Stories with complete plots were acted out when I was very young—I still remember the types: good people overcoming bad.  As I grew older, those stories turned to day dreams that I’d write and edit and live and then years later, would even return to them to rewrite and revise. I was in my forties before I realized I’d been a writer all my life.

How did you get started on the road to publication?
This ties in with above. I was an avid romance reader and was at a point where there wasn’t any books that I wanted to read so I decided to write one of my “in head stories” down on paper, just for kicks. I think the idea came to me from one of Sandra Brown’s novels called Fanta where the heroine writes down her fantasies. Anyway, I tried to write one scene but first, needed to know why my two characters were where they were at the same time in the remote wilderness (Native American Historical) and before I knew it, I had four chapters with people who’d read it telling me to finish it. The rest as they say is history.

Who are some of your favorite authors in your genre?
I tend to read all over the place. I did get hook on Cherise Sinclaire and her Doms of Dark Haven and Masters of the Shadowlands.

Why did you choose that particular genre?
I didn’t really read in this genre until after I sold my first erotica book to The Wild Rose Press. I got my start by doing ghostwriting/freelance writing jobs and my work was so well received, I decided to try to sell a story I wrote for myself. I was thrilled when the request for a full manuscript came within hours of submitting, and a contract in a few days. Sometimes, Lady Fate is just there are the right time and the right place!

What gave you the idea for this story?
The words: Once Upon a Time had popped into my head and because I was writing in the BDSM sub genre, it quickly became Once Upon A Dom. Fairytales was the obvious theme. Snow & Her Huntsman is book three in the series.

What do you like best about your hero?
I really like that Hunter isn’t willing to give up. He’s on a mission to reclaim his love. The fact that he let her go in order to keep peace in his family also warmed my heart. He sacrificed his own needs for that of his father and his father’s new wife and her son. And years later, he’s not bitter that it was for nothing.

What about your heroine?
Rylee has never forgotten Hunter but she moved on. She lost her husband to cancer and isn’t willing to dwell in the past. In fact, it’s her future she’s fighting for. When Hunter comes back into her life, offering to save her business, she agrees to be his partner at a BDSM role play event. She’ll do anything to save the jobs of her employees and the fact that sex with Hunter was the best she’s ever had, well, who is she to complain?

What are you working on now?
I’m working on Beauty Submits to her Beast. Damon is a damaged war hero who agrees to be Caitlin’s Dom. Caitlin is owner of a horse rescue group and a rancher. She used to being in charge and in control. Her best pal talks her into the weekend of Fairytale role play and promises of wild sex and non-stop orgasms. Unfortunately, her friend didn’t warned her how hard it would be to give up control and submit to a stranger. But she quickly sees through the Dom to the broken man inside, and as she does with her abandoned and abused horses, the need to take care of Damon and heal the beast inside is overwhelming.

Any words of advice to beginning writers?
Keep at it. Learn the craft. Keep learning the craft. Keep writing and never give up. To paraphrase Sister Mary Clarence in Sister Act 1 (Whoopi Goldberg), if you wake up in the morning and you want to write, if writing is all you can think about, dream about, then you are a writer and writers write. Period.

Was there anything you learned from writing this book, either research wise or about writing?
I think I learn a bit about myself with each book. Some books write themselves and are a joy, others make me dig deep into my own mind and heart. Snow was just plain fun, as was Cinderella and Red—I loved the sassiness of Lucy in Red and the guts of Rylee who wants to save her business. Part of that was bittersweet as I can relate after losing a business in 2008 that I loved. Beauty is promising to make me dig deep. Who knows what I’ll learn about myself in telling this story.

How about a blurb?
Rylee Kincaid’s business is about to go under. Lucky for her, she’s found an investor. Ready to sign papers, she learns her knight in shining armor is Hunter Finnegan, the man who once gave her multiple orgasms then crushed her young, tender heart. Her world comes crashing down as it becomes clear the rich businessman intends a hostile takeover and to cast her out. Then he agrees to discuss a new deal, but only if Rylee will play Snow to his Huntsman at a BDSM fairy tale event.

Hunter has never forgotten the weekend of kinky sex he shared with Rylee in college. Unfortunately, he had to let her go to keep peace in his family. Now he’s back to claim the only woman he’s ever loved. He’ll stop at nothing to make the black-haired, fair-skinned beauty hear the truth of what happened so long ago, even if he has to tie her up. And that’s exactly what he does. But as the Huntsman reawakens the submissive in Snow, Hunter isn’t so sure he can do the same to Rylee’s heart.

Thanks for being my guest. How can readers reach you or find you online and I understand you have a giveaway going on right now?
Contact Links           

Buy Links
Wild Rose      KINDLE           Nook         KOBO             IBOOKS 


Tote Bag -- Fairytales Your Mother Never Read You
Nice large roomy bag
Also included: 4 GB Flash Drive, Key Ring Light, Notepad & Pen, Mug
And assorted goodies


  1. Thank you so much for the interview and promo post, Rebecca. I enjoyed your questions!

  2. Wonderful interview! I always like to hear how a writer started in her/his craft. Wishing you all the best with your new release. Sounds delicious! :)


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