Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The Joy of a Rediscovered Romance

What could be better for Valentine's Day, the day known for romance, than an old love re-kindled or re-discovered? Those are the kind of books that can touch the heart at any time, but particularly now. That is what guest author Donna Simonetta brings us today in My Writing Corner. Donna is a Maryland author who says she is living out her own true life romance with the man of her dreams--her husband. She calls him her "real life romance hero." 

She tells us her career has been a winding road, having worked in the business world for years. She got her MLS and worked in a library,  but now she is living her dream as an author writing contemporary and fantasy romance. Like so many writers, she also says she loves to read and she and her husband love visiting family and friends and spending time on the beach with an umbrella drink and a good book.  Sounds like fun!

Donna's latest book is Love is Lovelier. Let's get a blurb:

Heather and Mick have a long history together, and Heather wants to leave it in the past where it belongs. Yet, here Mick is, very much in her present, thanks to her brother Jeff, who hired Mick to be her boss at the Retreat at Rivers Bend.

It wouldn’t be so bad, except Heather and Mick are still attracted to each other like metal to a magnet. Oh, and her brother is considering offering Mick a partnership in the Retreat, which by rights should be hers. And even if they act on their attraction, Heather is a small-town, country girl, and proud of it, whereas Mick can’t get far enough from his West Virginia coal-mining roots.

Will they be able to get a second chance at their first love and find their happy ending together in Rivers Bend?

YES! Definitely a great romance for this romantic day!

Let's read on with an excerpt:

“Stick close. I’ll get you out of here.”
He used his broad shoulders as a wedge to propel himself though the crowd; Heather scurried to keep up with him so she could take advantage of the gap he created, not wanting to be so close that she could feel the warmth of his body through his elegant suit, but because she needed somehow to beat this crush of people to the Retreat to make sure that everything was in place for the post-christening party she’d planned for Bethanne – only perfection would do for her BFF.
She watched Mick’s back as she stuck close to him; he looked so strong and fit – it was hard to imagine him the way he was ten years ago, when he’d suffered his NFL career-ending injury, but the same business acumen that kept him with the Portland Pintos organization back then was the reason Jeff and Cisco hired him at the Retreat.
He’d be good for business – she’d just have to keep chanting those words in her head like a mantra, or else she’d do one of two things she’d regret – kill Mick, or kiss him, and she’d gone the kissing route with him before. It did not end well. And tempting as the killing option was at the moment, it probably wouldn’t end any better.

Want to read more? here are the buylinks:

Barnes & Noble:

The Wild Rose Press:

Amazon UK:

Here are the links to get in touch with Donna if you would like to learn more about her and her books:

Thank you, Donna, for being my guest today and for introducing us to your romantic world.  Any comments or questions for Donna?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for letting me spend Valentine's Day with you and your readers!


Finishing That Book

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