Thursday, July 11, 2019

Summer Shorts = Great Reading

Summer has always been one of my favorite times to read (let's face it, most seasons I enjoy 
reading), but this time of year is special to me because I remember spending so many summers 
as I was growing up with a book nearby. Every week I walked seven blocks to the downtown 
(small town) library to wander among the stacks, looking for just the perfect book for the week.  
I took my time perusing the shelves because the library was so nicely air conditioned. I usually 
came home with two or three books.

Ever since then I have made a practice of reading in the summer. Those long evenings are perfect
for sitting on the patio with the sun still up. As a result I always look for new books every summer. 
What could be more perfect than a book of short stories? That is what we are featuring today in My 
Writing Corner -- an anthology that includes the work of today's author guest, Michal Scott, 
who writes Christian erotica.  
Michal is a native New Yorker who recently moved to the 
Southwest. Please tell us about the anthology -- how the 
idea came about and tell us a little bit about the stories in it.

The idea came from author Delilah Devlin. Stranded is the fourth in a series of anthologies subtitled Boys Behaving Badly that she has edited. Each posits how independent heroines engage particular types of men/situations. The first was Rogues, the second Blue Collar  and the third was Pirates.

The fourteen authors of Stranded were challenged to craft a 5K story where a woman finds herself “stranded” but not weak or waiting to be saved and the man who  is part of her “rescue.” 

The stories run the gamut from paranormal and romantic suspense to historical, contemporary and sci-fi. The descriptive
blurb for the anthology states "you'll find fourteen stories with one thing in common--couples depending on each other to survive, and perhaps, falling in love." 

What do you like about contributing to an anthology?

It was so affirming to be part of a community of writers working on the same theme and seeing how different all our stories are. Then once the stories were written and the anthology compiled, I loved the giving and receiving of support as we developed loglines, shared tweets and blogposts about our stories, celebrated the anthology’s sales. This was my first anthology and I loved to work with these authors again.

Tell us about your story.

Put It In A Book, my story, tells what happens when in 1840’s Liberia a fiercely independent freeborn woman trapped in a book by a sorcerer for rejecting his sexual advances is rescued by an audacious arrogant thief and finds a surprising path to freedom and love.

How did you come up with the idea

There’s an old saying: “If you want to hide something from black folk, put it in a book” -- a jibe at how far the importance of education in the black community has fallen; an unfortunate turn of events when I consider my ancestors braved death in order to learn to read. As I write African-American historical romance, I wondered how I might craft a story around the stranded theme using African American history elements. Once I recalled the old saying, my creative juices came up with my heroine Aziza Williams, my hero Sekou Caine and how their encounter leads to love.

Tell us what is special about your characters.

Both Aziza and Sekou are independent free spirits who put the welfare of others before their own. Aziza fled to Liberia for teaching slaves in the US to read. Sekou chose a life as a Robin-Hood style thief rather than live by the rules of his society that demands he and his fellow villagers grovel before a man who uses his power to dominate and abuse. They both have a level of independence that manifest in resistance and results in their unexpected HEA.

How can we get a copy?

Buy links: Amazon -

And how can readers get in touch with you?

Contact: @mscottauthor1,

Thank you Michal, for bringing us your story.  This sounds like perfect summer reading!  Any comments or questions for Michal?

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