Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Reunion Makes for A Spicy Romance

With Valentine's Day coming up next week, it is definitely a great time to focus on reading a good romance novel. The new Candy Hearts series from The Wild Rose Press is offering some wonderful selections for readers who love romance.  Today's guest author is Debra Druzy, who says she is a married, stay-at-home mom who balances her writing career with running errands and doing household chores.

Tell us about your new Candy Hearts book.
DARE ME is a sweet ’n spicy reunion romance that takes place on Valentine’s Day at a promotional wedding event on Long Island, in the fictitious town of Scenic View. Adam is the wedding photographer and Misty is a bridal stylist. As much as Misty tries to keep things on a professional level, she can’t help but fall for Adam all over again. 

Where did you get the idea for it?
When The Wild Rose Press put out the Candy Hearts Romance call-for-submission, the first candy
heart saying that popped in my head was DARE ME, so I crafted the story around that title and the publisher’s specs. I’ve been a photographer’s assistant so I know what it’s like to shoot a wedding and thought it would be fun to incorporate an exaggerated version of that experience into the mix.

What do you like best about your heroine?
I like Misty’s strong work ethic. She’s a diligent professional with a major stake in her family’s bridal shoppe, so she never mixes business with pleasure—that is, until she reunites with Adam, her kindergarten crush.

What makes your hero special?
Adam’s every girls’ dreamboat—charismatic, creative, sensitive. He recently returned to Scenic View, hoping to reclaim his roots and finally settle down. But he didn’t come back to his hometown just to open a photography studio; he’s looking for Misty, hoping she’s still single after all these years.

How about a blurb?
For wedding stylist Misty Morningside, mixing business with pleasure is a professional no-no. That is, until she runs into wedding photographer Adam Wright at a Valentine’s Day event. Dare they set aside business for one night of pleasure?
That sounds like fun! What is your writing process – outlining or just writing?
Outline, definitely. But that doesn’t mean the story sticks to the plan. There’s enough of an outline for me to know the direction of the story, with some room for the characters to improvise.

Any advice for a beginning writer?
Write the story of your heart. Don’t worry about what anyone else is writing. Create something you want to read because you’ll be rereading it plenty of times during the writing and revising process, you don’t want to get bored with it.

What is your next project?
I’m currently revising a story that follows my first book SLEEPING WITH SANTA, with some spin-off Scenic View characters. And I’m making notes for a full-length romance between Adam and Misty that develops out of DARE ME.

How can readers get in touch with you?
Visit me on the web at  You can join my newsletter, send me an email, and find me all over social media. I’d love to hear from you.

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Thanks, Debra, for being my guest today.  Comments or questions for Debra?


  1. Thank you for hosting me on your blog, Rebecca!
    xo Deb

  2. Great interview and excellent advice, Debra. Write something you want to read. I think it shows when writers write something they truly enjoy. It showed in Dare Me. :) I'm looking forward to more from Scenic View. I love the little town you created. Happy Valentine's Day!


Finishing That Book

Every week I post  blogs focusing on various authors describing their books and their writing process. This week I am going to do something ...