Wednesday, September 27, 2017

A Hot Romance for the Cold Season

What is better to warm up a cold fall evening than to curl up with a steamy romance. That's just what we have today as author Gemma Snow visits to introduce us to the characters in her newest romance, Seduction en Pointe.

Gemma is the author of several works of romance and erotic fiction in both the contemporary and historical genres, and she says enjoys pushing the limits of freedom, feminism and fun in her stories. She has been an avid writer for many years and recently moved back to her home state of Jew Jersey from Boston, after completing her education in journalism and creative writing.

She says that in her free time she loves to travel and she spent a semester abroad living in a 14th century castle in the Netherlands. When not exploring the world, though, she likes dreaming up stories, eating spicy food, driving fast cars, and talking to strangers.

Here's a look at her newest title:

When successful TV star of the Queen Anne’sRevenge, Nicco Castillo, finds his lover in bed with another man, other man, he goes full on Hollywood trainwreck. It lands him in the ER. The next thing he knows, the producers are shipping him off to Paris to shape up and to learn to dance for the next season's story arc.

But his incredibly tempting Parisian ballet instructor, Isabella LaCroix, makes that all too difficult, especially when he learns about her decadent desires -- desires Nicco is all too pleased to indulge in.

Warning--This story is hot!  But I wanted to know a little more about Nicco...

Nicco, what brought you to Paris? 

I didn’t want to come to Paris. My producer is a real SOB and anyone in Hollywood knows Hartley Parker can break a man’s career in the blink of an eye. I’m lying in a hospital bed after the most humiliating experience of life and he tells me that if I don’t learn to twinkle my toes in this inane ballet class in Paris – really just an excuse for them to keep me by the short hairs – then I’ll be dancing out without a job. That’s why I’m in Paris.

What was it about Isabelle that caught your attention?

You ever look at a Greek statue, yeah, one of the half-naked ones with all the wet drapery and the perfect features and you know that if that state came to life they would just glow, right? From the minute I walked into that office and saw her sitting there, all haughty and so French, tight ponytail, I wanted her. And I wanted to help her too, crazy as that sounds. I know pretty well why people wear masks of stone. 

What keeps you wanting her?

See, that's the thing. Isabelle, she was Miss LaCrois in the beginning. She wanted nothing to do with me. And I should have stepped back. I hadn't come to Paris expecting love, nor had I wanted it, not after everything that went down with my ex-boyfriend back in Hollywood, but I couldn't get this woman out of my mind.  I'll be honest. The colder she was to me and the harder she pushed me in the ballet class, the more I wanted her. We're different people, Isabelle and I. She tens to push down when she's hurting and I push out -- the the reason I got my sorry ass sent to Paris in the first place. But when we were fighting against the same thing, well, that changed everything between us. 

What concerns you about this growing relationship?

Belle and I, we've both been hurt before. Her ex-husband was a real piece of work and I think he made her doubt herself more than she lets on. And my whole thing with Antonio isn't exactly a Shakespearean comedy, ya know. We're not used to trusting people or relying on people, either of us and that can be a really hard thing to work around. But she's worth trying. 

Have you come to any decisions about your future?

The future? Do I look like a future-thinking kind of guy? All I know, and I haven't figure out how, is that I'm going to keep Isabelle in mine. No matter what....

If you would like to see what happens to Nicco and Isabelle, here are the buy links:

Buy Links:

And if you would like to directly ask Gemma questions, you can reach her on:

Or at

Thank you, Gemma, for being my guest today!

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