Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The Joy of Listening

When I was in elementary school one of the most fun parts of my day was the hour after lunch when our teacher would read to us.  I can’t remember the names of the books, but I remember it being a daily occurrence in several grades and different schools. We could color or draw while the teacher read, and the entire experience was something I always enjoyed.

Twenty years ago I re-discovered the joy of having someone read to me. During long drives every weekend between where I worked in Los Angeles and my home that was still in Las Vegas, I began listening to audio books. My boss who had made the same trip for several years made the suggestion to me and once I discovered the joy of audio books, I’ve never been able to give it up.

I started with audio tapes back in those days and found myself buying and listening to books I’d already read. I listened to the classics like Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice and Rebecca. I went through whole mystery series of my favorite authors like Sue Grafton. I listened to romance favorites like Debbie Macomber. I’ve never been able to stop. As the years went on and the car stereos went from tape to CDs, I acquired whole libraries of all my favorite authors and never left home without an audio book. From trips to the grocery store to long distance trips across country, I enjoyed books while I drove. 

Now technology has come given me a way to listen to books on audio so that I never have to leave home without one or find I’ve heard everything in the car. These days I can use either my ipad and I just discovered how easy it is to upload them on my phone. Many of my writing friends feel the same way, Almost all of us admit to driving around the block one more time before going home  just to hear an exciting part of an audio book.  

And to take the joy of listening one step further, I’ve discovered yet another reason for celebrating audio books. The publisher of my most of my books, The Wild Rose Press, has begun putting books on audio and I hope to one day be able to listen to my own books.  
But even before I get to hear my work, some of my fellow authors are beginning to have their books released on audio. I am excited at the prospect of hearing my favorites and discovering some new TWRP authors as well. This week I got a notice from one of my favorite authors, Andrea Downing that her Golden Quill Award winning novella, and winner of a Maple Leaf Award for Favorite hero, Dearest Darling,  was available on audio and I can hardly wait to listen to it.  

Stuck in a life of servitude to her penny-pinching brother, Emily Darling, longs for a more exciting existence. When a packet with travel tickets, meant for one Ethel Darton, accidentally lands on her doormat, Emily sees a chance for escape. Having turned down the dreary suitors that have come her way, is it possible a new existence also offers a different kind of man?

Daniel Saunders has carved out a life for himself in Wyoming -- a life missing one thing -- a wife. Having scrimped and saved to bring his mail-order bride from New York, he is outraged to find in her stead a runaway fraud. Even worse, the imposter is the sister of of his old enemy. But people are not always as they seem and sometimes the heart knows more than the head.  Here is the link to buy if you'd like to listen.

And here is a link to the blog Andi did on her audio book experience.

Personally I am continuing my love affair with audio books. I have an extended road trip coming up and Dearest Darling is one of the audio books I will be taking along for the ride. If you haven't tried an audio book, I highly suggest it. You may find yourself driving around the block too.


  1. Rebecca, thanks so much for giving Dearest Darling a mention. I hope you find a suitable narrator for your books and proceed to have them on Audible. It certainly was an enjoyable experience getting it all together.

  2. Thanks, Andi. I've always enjoyed your books and it is so great to know that I can now also listen to them.


Finishing That Book

Every week I post  blogs focusing on various authors describing their books and their writing process. This week I am going to do something ...