Their attraction set a precedent no one else could match…
Abby’s imagination hadn’t been playing tricks with her
memory. Fifteen years after meeting him in a court room, Glen Plankey is still
so attractive he makes her toes curl. And that voice! Deep and authoritative,
she practically melts into a puddle at the sound of it. She can’t wait to see
more of him.
He can’t get away fast enough. Everything about her reminds
him of that terrible day, yet his brain turns to adolescent mush when he looks
at her curvy body and his heart skips a beat each time she smiles.
Soon undeniable attraction leads to scorching passion and
grows into a true love affair. But is it strong enough to survive when he
thinks she has played him for a fool?
Both of these characters sounded extemely intriguing so I wanted to know more. I just had to ask them a few questions about their current situation:
Abby, what is great about your life right
My life is almost
I have it made. Once a month I serve as family court judge at the Essex County
Courthouse in Guildhall. The rest of the time I have a small law practice in
Somerset. That’s my new hometown in the northeast corner of Vermont’s Northeast
Kingdom. I can get to Canada quicker than I can get to the interstate, but I
fell in love with the place as soon as I saw it.
I live in a
beautiful condo on the third floor of my office building. Every morning I swim
at the Somerset Academy pool-before school starts, of course-and my stepbrother
David just bought Somerset Gables. That’s the town’s hilltop resort. When our
brother Romney is in town, he stays with David and we all hang out together.
For the
first time since college I have a social life. Okay, let’s be honest, it’s the
first time in my life that I’ve had one. Just call me Miss Overachiever. I
finished high school at sixteen and college at twenty. There wasn’t time for social
gatherings with that kind of schedule. But better late than never, right?
My first
friend in town was Jason. He lives in the condo across the hall and we serve on
the planning board together. Once I thought he might even be the guy for me, but
he had other interests and I don’t know if anyone will ever measure up to my
dream man, anyway.
I don’t know
much about him. I have no idea where he lives. I doubt he even noticed me when
we did meet, or that he’d remember, but my memories of him keep me up at night.
What was your earlier experience with
I was
clerking for Judge Henry between college and my first year of law school. I
hadn’t figured out yet what my ideal man would look like until he walked into the courtroom. Tall, with
dark hair and blue eyes and a deep voice that turned my insides to mush, he made
the rest of the room fade away.
He was
fighting for his life that day. For his son, his unborn daughter, and any shred
of dignity he could salvage. It was an ugly battle. His wife accused him of deviant
behavior in the bedroom and an appetite for sex that couldn’t be quenched. She
probably thought her stories would guarantee sole custody for her and ruin him
in the eyes of anyone present. What I saw was a father whose main concern was his
children’s well-being. A man whose only fault was falling for the wrong woman.
He needed someone who could appreciate his brand of commitment, his depth of
passion; someone like me.
What do you think about him now?
My late-night
fantasies didn’t do him justice.
What worries you about him?
I’m afraid
he doesn’t have a place for me in his life. Even if he does, even if he’s ready
to try commitment again, how will we make it work? He lives in New York City.
That’s six hours from me when the roads are clear, and no state troopers are
out on patrol. He has two teenagers to raise. I want to have a child before it’s
too late. Will he want to start all over again? Has he truly recovered from the
damage his ex-wife did? I’m afraid timing and geography might not be on our side.
What excites you?
I know that sounds silly, and a thirty-five-year-old judge should have
something more profound to say, but there isn’t anything about him I don’t
like. He’s a great father, a good brother and son. He tackled his biggest
fear-public speaking-to make a toast at Jason’s wedding that moved everyone. Including
me. Especially me.
He’s really
smart. Every night we play chess by telephone. He’s a worthy adversary. His
moves are almost as challenging as trying to get to sleep after we end our calls.
The verbal foreplay we share is so exciting it sometimes keeps me awake for
The man is
perfect. To me. Perfect for me.
Oh, Abby! It sounds like you have a good reason to be smitten! Now we want to hear from Glen:
What are your thoughts on seeing Abby
I’m cursed. Of
all the people I could have run into at my best friend’s wedding, why did it
have to be her? I’ve never forgotten
the shock in her gray-green eyes when my ex-wife all but castrated me at the
Guildhall courthouse. Seeing her again, even after fifteen years, just brings
it all back to me. I lost my dreams that day. My future.
What is it that draws you to her?
You mean, besides
thick chestnut hair I want to sink my hands into? Or lush curves that belong on
a WWII locker poster? A better question would be what doesn’t draw me to her?
The woman is
sexy as hell. Smart and feisty, too. Once we get past our fifteen-year history,
I simply can’t get enough of her. She’s intelligent, independent, and quirky.
She keeps me on my toes. Keeps me up at night. I feel like a teenager experiencing
his first crush every time I see her or hear her voice.
It’s not
just a hormonal reaction, though. I like everything about her. She adores her
brothers and the feeling is mutual. She’s great with my kids. Just as devoted
to her grandparents as she is to her profession.
I love that
she has a career of her own. She doesn’t want me as a meal ticket. Doesn’t view
me as a sperm donor. She likes me for me.
What is it that makes you want to
stay away from her?
I can’t
trust myself. When I fell in love the first time, which I realize now wasn’t
love at all, I was taken for a ride that won’t end until the kids are out of
high school. Or college. Or married. I couldn’t see it coming then, and fifteen
years later I’m not sure I’m any wiser. I’m a genius. No, really, I have the
I.Q. tests to prove it, but where my heart is concerned, I’m about as dumb as
they come.
Where do you think she fits into your
future… or does she?
Freedom is so close I can almost taste it. In three years, my
kids will both be out of high school. I won’t have to stay within a certain
mile radius of their mother. I won’t have to hold onto the job I have, even
though I love it, just to carry health insurance for them. I can get a telecommuting
job and move home.
I used to dream about living in Somerset again. Helping my father
and brother on the farm. Playing basketball with Jason. I still look forward to
those things, but now the dream has changed. Grown to include chess games with
Abby in the same room instead of miles away. I want to swim with her in the
mornings and wrap myself around her at night.
I’m just afraid to hope.
Thank you Abby and Glen. Now if you want to read more about their story, here are the buy links:
If you would like to reach Amber and find out more about her work:
Thank you, Amber, for being my guest and to Glen and Abby.
Thanks for having me!