Monday, October 18, 2021

An Autumn View

Fall is upon us and the autumn colors are making their colorful showing,  reminding us that Winter isn't far away. That means stocking up on those books you want to curl up with during the cold days ahead.  Our guest today in My Writing Corner is Karen Guzman and her latest book,  Arborview, sounds like a perfect way to enjoy  some of those cold, quiet evenings reading and drinking hot chocolate.  It is now available on Amazon.

Karen is not only a fiction writer, but also an essayist.  Her debut, Homing Instinctswas published in 2014 while her short fiction has appeared in a number of literary magazines. Her story collection, Pilgrims, was a finalist for the St. Lawrence Book Award. Karen is a regular contributor to the Collegeville Institute’s Bearings Online magazine. She is the recipient of a 2021 writing fellowship at the Collegeville Institute.
Let's hear more about Arborview, starting with a blurb and then an excerpt:

When the recipe for a new life is bittersweet…

Ellen Cahill’s financial future rides on the success of her new pastry shop. A bruising divorce has drained her bank account, along with her spirit. A man enters her life promising love, but Ellen, haunted by the past, questions whether she can pull off this new beginning.

College student Rosa Escamilla has her own culinary dreams—and a difficult mother who’s dead set against them. Rosa won’t be deterred. She scrapes up the money to enroll at a prestigious culinary school, setting out to prove everyone wrong.

When hidden betrayals by the people they love most surface for both Ellen and Rosa, can they overcome the blows they never saw coming on the road to where they want to go? 

Let's get more information! How about an excerpt:

That was how she had come to think of herself: a divorced person. She disliked ”divorcee,” which Alice liked to throw about suggestively. The word had the faint stink of misogyny, of finger-pointing, the whisper of failure—more so a woman’s than a man’s. Why was that? Men were simply “divorced,” a neutral proclamation. No cutesy name had been invented to designate their failed-marriage status. 

In truth though, if Ellen had failed anyone, she had failed herself. That stinging little insight had come to her Arborview, lying in dappled sunlight, where she was free to look at things, to test them out, and creep near the truth. The truth was she had fallen like a stone to the earth after all these years, and the voice that she had learned to ignore had only grown louder. God, forgive me. She had abandoned, or at least shelved, herself, long before Zach worked up the courage to do it. 

She really should tell Rosa this: Don’t worry about what your mother thinks, or your brother, or anyone else. Choose, or the world will do it for you. That was what the girl needed to hear.

Sounds like an intriguing story. If you want to learn more about Karen and her books, here is her contact information:



Twitter: @kg_authorYou can find Karen’s books on Amazon, and learn more about her work at 

Instagram: @kagauthor


Amazon author page:

If you would like to purchase any of Karen's books, here are the Buy Links:

Thank you, Karen, for being my guest today. Any questions or comments for Karen?

1 comment:

A Happy Ending – Hopefully!

After years of writing this blog and featuring authors who have new books being published, I have decided the time has come to end my weekly...