Tuesday, March 15, 2022

A Reading Treasure

Spring has always been a favorite time of the year for me, especially when it comes to reading new books and finding new authors. Spring means sitting outside and enjoying reading a good book in the sunshine.  My guest today in My Writing Corner brings us a new book that sounds like it would be good material for a little of that Spring reading.

My guest is Terry Segan who resides in Nevada and she tells us that the beach is her happy place, but any opportunity to travel soothes her gypsy soul.  She adds that  the stories conjured by her imagination while riding backseat on her husband’s motorcycle can be found throughout the pages of her paranormal mysteries.

Tell us about your road to publication

I began writing about fifteen years ago. I’ve worked as a secretary most of my life, but it wasn’t until I became a stay-at-home mom that my fingers flew across the keyboard for pleasure. My first forays were short stories before I decided to take on a novel. Since I mainly read mysteries, many with a paranormal twist, it made sense for me to write one. When I joined a local writers’ group about six years ago, that’s when things got real for me. I guess you could say I found my tribe. They’ve given me inspiration, guidance, and friendship. On top of that, I have complete support from my husband, who believes in my talent and drive to write. This resulted in the publication of my first book, Photographs in Time, which is a time travel mystery filled with matchmaking and murder.

What do you enjoy about being an author?

The main thing I like about being an author is the freedom I find in writing. I’ve always had an active imagination (overactive if you ask my husband), so being able to translate ideas pinging around my head into a story brings me joy. My hope is to make people laugh, cry, or feel the need to sleep with the lights on all night. When they’re done reading, despite their emotions or fear, they come back for more.

How do you develop characters?

Many of my characters have been inspired by people I know, while others I’ve simply made up. Sometimes a character’s habits are a compilation of acquaintances and strangers. People watching is a fun sport for me (no, not in a stalker-like way). No matter how far-reaching or odd an individual may appear, you’re always going to find another who is more bizarre or inspiring. Even those mild-mannered or sedate ones have traits worthy of writing about. Once I plug them into a story, many lead me in directions I hadn’t thought of originally.

How do you come up with your plots?

The majority of my plots are inspired by places I’ve lived or traveled to. From there, I create characters who belong. Usually, I know the beginning of a story and the end. It’s the middle where the book gets interesting, since I’m what is known as a ‘pantser.’ I don’t plot out the whole book, just wait and see where the characters lead me. There’ve been times I’ve written a person in as a minor part, who then demands a larger role in the story. Sometimes I give in to these demands. By working this way, I’m taking the journey right alongside my characters—and I love to travel!

What is your latest book and how did you come up with the idea to write it?

My latest book is Precious Treasure, which was released on March 9 by The Wild Rose Press. It’s a paranormal mystery depicting a wife’s search for her missing husband. She must find the connection between his disappearance and a Civil War journal of a Confederate soldier. I’ve always been intrigued with dual timeline books, which helped inspire Precious Treasure. While most of the story takes place in the present, the reader gets a glimpse into the life of the young Confederate soldier through the journal entries woven into the chapters. Since I grew up on Long Island, it seemed to be the perfect setting for Janie, the main character.

Eight years ago her husband disappeared. Does a hundred and fifty-year-old journal hold the answer as to why?

Janie Holcomb prays for closure once the courts declare her missing husband dead. Instead, she's sent spiraling down a dangerous path.

When her lawyer delivers a package held in trust, she finds a cryptic warning along with a Civil War journal promising buried treasure. While seeking a connection between her spouse and the decades-old diary, Janie attracts the spirit of a Confederate soldier pleading for help.

Enlisting her brother's assistance to chase down clues, they discover that not everyone they know should be trusted. Janie overlooks potential threats when the promise of new love stirs her emotions. Will her digging uncover the answers she craves or doom her to a similar fate?

Let's get a sneak peek from Precious Treasure:

Janie dragged herself out of bed and into the bathroom. Turning on the tap to fill the sink, she bent over and splashed cold water on her face. The refreshing drops rolled down her forehead, cheeks and chin, pulling her out of her funk. Sightless, Janie reached for the hand towel hanging nearby and dried her face as she stood upright. Opening her eyes, she leaned in to examine the damage of the late night on her complexion. Her reflection looked back, as well as that of a young man standing behind her. Janie’s heart leapt to her throat as she whipped around and found no one there. Looking back in the mirror, she saw only herself.

This is too much, she thought. First nightmares and now hallucinations. Janie shook her head. With the assault of information thrown at her in the last twenty-four hours, her imagination cartwheeled out of control.

Knowing the visions were a result of the wine, newspaper articles and journal, didn’t calm the raised hackles on the back of her neck. The foreboding in Brian’s letter snaked its way up her spine threatening to encircle her throat and squeeze tight. His writing had a tone of uncertainty and fear—uncharacteristic of the man she had married.

Doesn't that make you want to read on? You'll need to get the book! Terry, tell us, what’s your next project?

My next project is the first book of my new series, The Marni Legend Series. This is a paranormal mystery in which Marni, the main character, must help lost souls move on while navigating life as a successful novelist and divorcee hoping to jumpstart her love life. With a healthy dose of sarcasm and clumsiness, her life is unpredictable and amusing. Did I mention her mother’s ghost refuses to leave her kitchen? Since the book is in the beginning stages of editing, I don’t have a prospective release date yet. Stay tuned…

To learn more about Terry and her books, here are her buy links and social contacts.

Buy links:

Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/AuthorTerrySegan

Author Website: https://terrysegan.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrysegan

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SeganTerry

Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/Terry-Segan/e/B087YQGXMD

Thank you Terry for appearing on My Writing Corner today!  Any comments or questions for Terry?

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