Tuesday, May 10, 2022

A Winning Romance

Having always enjoyed reading (and writing) books that are part of a series, I was very interested in the series that is being written by today's featured author in My Writing Corner, C. Becker. Her newest book, Saving Euphoria, has just been released so of course, I wanted to know more about her series.

The first book in the series was Finding Euphoria which was featured on this blog earlier. Her newest book, Saving Euphoria, was released yesterday. She tells us she is currently working on the third book in the Euphoria trilogy. As a medical technologist in a former career, Becker says that she has never outgrown the attraction of using science in everyday life. 

She says when she isn't writing a new book, she enjoys hanging out with her family and Jack Russell, playing the piano, reading, and gardening.

Let's learn more about Saving Euphoria and its characters. How about a blurb?

Hailey Langley and her children struggle to cope with the shocking and mysterious death of her husband Mark. Her teenaged son is rebelling, and Hailey is dealing with physical and mental challenges as well.

Tom Parker, Hailey's former partner from the Special Crimes Agency, comes back into her life. He warns her to trust no one even as he tries to rekindle the flame that connects them.

Everyone has secrets, even Parker, and some of those from the past threaten to destroy the present. Hailey fights to move forward after losing Mark, but she needs to figure out if she can trust Parker and risk taking another chance on love.

Sounds like an interesting story! I wanted to know more about these characters so let's interview them, starting with Hailey.


What do you want most in life at the moment?

 I’d like my husband back alive. If I could go back in time eight months and prevent Mark from leaving home the day he died in the fire, life would be perfect.


What draws you to Tom? 

Parker is safe. That’s what I’ve always called Tom Parker—Parker. I feel secure when I’m around him. He was doing his residency at the hospital in Texas when I was his patient at seventeen. For many reasons—my assault, my parents’ deaths, my trauma—I was afraid to live. I was in a dark place and Parker pulled me out of my depression. Now with Mark gone, I feel comfortable talking to Parker. Maybe too comfortable. I had a major crush on him when I was his patient and when I worked cases with him for the government.


What frightens you about being involved with him? 

We were close twice before. We only kissed, but wow, what scorching kisses. Parker was married when he decided to switch careers and become a government agent like me. His wife was livid. All his medical school went down the drain, but Parker didn’t like practicing medicine as much as chasing criminals.


What frightens you about the future? 

Moving on without Mark. Starting over with someone new. Mark and I did everything together. My son and daughter are as lost without him as I am. Truth be told, I’m attracted to Parker, but until I find out what happened to my husband, I don’t want to start a relationship.

Now let's talk to Tom:


What draws you to Hailey? 

I find Hailey attractive on so many levels. She’s adorable when she’s flustered, which isn’t too often. Her eyes sparkle when she smiles. I think she’s brave, resilient, strong-willed, empathetic, and intelligent. Her personality is fun and upbeat. Her laugh warms my heart. I’ve learned a lot from her. Despite life’s hard blows, she always stands back up.


What frightens you about becoming involved with her? 

Nothing. Actually, that’s not true. I hope Hailey can love me even half as much as she loved Mark. I’ve liked Hailey the moment I met her. Unfortunately, I was married at the time and my first wife was suspicious, I never pursued Hailey because of her age. There’s eight years difference between us. My wife Grace and I adopted her baby after Hailey’s assault. Grace wanted a baby so badly that she didn’t care we weren’t in love. When I found Hailey again seventeen years later, I didn’t stick around because she was married with a family. A guy has standards, you know. When I learned that Hailey’s husband had died in a fire, I transferred jobs to Virginia, hoping we’d run into each other, and we did. Once we figure out what happened to Mark, she’ll be ready to move on with me.


What do you wish for most in your future? 

That’s an easy question. I wish Hailey and I have many years together. Her kids are great. Hopefully, Hailey and I will marry and someday we’ll be a family.


What obstacles do you see about becoming involved with Hailey? 

Her son Ethan doesn’t care for me, but I think I’m growing on him.  The thirteen-year-old Anna seems to like me, though. The biggest obstacle is finding out why Hailey’s husband ended up in a burning building—away from his work in Washington, D.C. Something is very suspicious.

Want more? Let's get an excerpt:

He moved closer, his breath warming her face. “I don’t want to be a friend. I want more.”

Her eyes blurred. “It’s only been six months since Mark died.”

“Life goes on, Hailey. Mark’s gone.”

“Six months, Parker.” Tears burnt like acid splashing in her eyes. Six months was not nearly enough time to let go.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say it that way.” Parker reached over and held her hand.

The tenderness in his touch made an instant connection to her heart. Ashamed at her heart’s betrayal, she yanked her hand away and wiped a tear off her cheek.

He held her hand again and whispered. “I love you, Hailey. I always have. Somehow, life or fate, or whatever it is you want to call it, got in our way. I kept my distance when you married Mark, but I never stopped loving you.” He tightened his grasp on her hand. “Now I feel like an idiot because I waited too long.”

“Parker, please. I’m not sure I even want to get involved with someone again.”

“You’ve become so miserable. You’re a strong woman.” His face hardened. “Mark wouldn’t want you to waste your life grieving. He’d want you to go on—and at least try to be happy.” He caressed her cheek with his thumb. “I think deep down, you know it.”

Few people had her pegged so well. She bit her lip, “I do.”


This makes me want to read more. If you're also intrigued, here are the Buy Links:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09SVMXYZT?ref_=dbs_m_mng_rwt_calw_tkin_1&storeType=ebooks&qid=1645764358&sr=1-1

The Wild Rose Press: https://www.thewildrosepress.com/bookauthor/c-becker

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/saving-euphoria-c-becker/1141022852


iTunes: https://books.apple.com/us/book/saving-euphoria/id1612065577

Contact info:  https://cbeckerauthor.wixsite.com/cbeckerauthor

And here is how to reach C. Becker or get more information about her books:

Website address: https://cbeckerauthor.wixsite.com/cbeckerauthor


Social Media links:

Twitter https://twitter.com/cbeckerauthor

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CBeckerauthor/

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/beckercee/?hl=en

Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/19026691.C_Becker

BookBub https://www.bookbub.com/authors/c-becker

Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/C.-Becker/e/B07NRWPWX3?ref_=dbs_p_pbk_r00_abau_000000

Get to know C. Becker better by signing up for an email newsletter https://mailchi.mp/7a51fa024f7a/cbeckerauthor

Thank you, C. Becker, for being my guest today. Any questions or comments?


  1. Thank you for hosting me today, Rebecca Grace!

  2. I loved reading this! I’m so excited to begin my read! I so wish school was over so I could just read this wonderful story in its entirety ❤️

    1. Donna, thank you for commenting on the blog and getting the book! I can’t wait to hear your review!

    2. Donna, thank you for commenting on the blog and getting the book! I can’t wait to hear your review! ~C. Becker


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